What a Dream | Teen Ink

What a Dream

September 27, 2023
By 5mckay GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5mckay GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt, I was sitting in my house drinking a warm cup of coffee and eating eggs benedict. I was looking for a job, a job that was my dream, building houses. I look up from the repetitive scrolling through the list of jobs for “Builders”. When I look up at the Atlantic Ocean I see 1,346,185 sharks swimming around as Johnny Depp is riding a brown dragon through a thunderstorm. I stood up in my boots and yelled wait, as they flew off into the distance. I sit down in sadness looking back at my computer and J.K Rowling puts a hand on my shoulder and says, “Como Estas”. I turn around to greet J.K Rowling and when I turn around George Washington is standing in front of me. He told me, “ If you keep drinking coffee you are going to be short like me.” So I turned around and started to drink a cold glass of raspberry iced tea. 

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