Dream | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By 4cushman SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4cushman SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt that me and Max were at a vacation home in Hawaii, which had three bedrooms and an eerily scary basement. It really made us jump, like screaming after walking into a haunted house. The first day we got there happened to be a sprinkling rainy day, dreary, but not too stormy. The plan was to see Maxs’ favorite musician, Noah Kahan. The things he wore were what Max described as “drip.” This was the most expensive trip we had ever taken, considering between the two of us we spent $2,376,412,511,309. Not to mention the concert tickets. In the house we stayed at there was a pond that reminded me of the pond behind the house of the kid I babysit; full of lily pads. There was also a pool, which Max used to make his hair look like George Washingtons. After all the traveling, all I wanted was a strawberry acai refresher from starbucks with no berries and light ice. On top of that I was hungry and specifically wanted a sunny side up egg with white bread toast. We decided to check out the ocean where we saw one of those fish with the light that hangs in front of their faces, dead lying on the beach. The fish was the shade of yellow that reminds you of putrid mustard. After we left the beach we decided to go to town where we found a crime scene investigator looking at a dead centaur. Maxs’ idea was to put some hydrogen peroxide on it because it always helped him when he was younger when his grandma did that to his wounds. It turns out the centaur had pneumonia and would not be able to be healed. The day of the concert I decided to wear a pair of those sandals that wrap around your ankle. We got to the concert venue where an usher greets us and says, “Hola. Como estas? Estoy bien. Y tu?” Max and I ignored him. Once we got in, Noah Kahan came out on stage. At that moment, I would have much rather been seeing Taylor Swift in her third outfit from the Eras tour singing the line from her song that goes, “When I felt like I was an old cardigan.” But that would have to do.

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