Help! | Teen Ink


January 15, 2024
By Angela_xy_tang BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
Angela_xy_tang BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
1 article 3 photos 0 comments

She pulled off her v108 goggles and thrust open the drawer. Holding her breath, she secured her hands on a cold piece of metal and held it high, shaking.
Just before she could make out the edge of her pale face…
Sirens went off.
Droplets of crimson oozed, dripping lightly down…ruining the image.
“‘Anxiety’ is dangerous and contagious. You are banned to look at mirrors.” Flashed the minister’s tower on her face. 
As she screamed in protest, millions of skyscrapers responded with indifference, as if no one was alive.
“HELP” She tried to write.
Only blood scatters.

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