ad creare novum | Teen Ink

ad creare novum

January 16, 2024
By 5wolfer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5wolfer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                       Have you ever wished for peace in your life? If you have, it's completely normal. In Fact I think that every human and animal should be able to live in a kingdom of peace and stability.

     The first thing that I would do in my kingdom of peace is make sure every person is all equal to one another. Make it so that all cultures can be able to interact with one another and be able to form a new bond rather than tearing each other's culture apart like we are in a civil war.

    Secondly the government is going to solely work on the majority of the people's desires. It will be a different system compared to what we call democracy (the electoral college). What my kingdom would have would be in person voting that would be tallied and announced within 24 hours so that the people can get the results in a timely manner.

     Lastly people will be able to enjoy fun entertainment without worrying about the next bill or groceries. My kingdom will allow every person meals and food material if they need it to service or help something in need. People will be healthy and educated as all education in my kingdom is free, never will charge someone to learn, as everyone should further their knowledge.     

     In conclusion, the kingdom of what I'm trying is a place of opportunity, a place where everyone can burn bright like a star. Not everyone gets the opportunity to be able to bathe often, let alone people might not have drinkable water. In my kingdom these would be issues of the past because of the availability of resources and new technology that would continue to help my nation prosper and most of all it would benefit the people with a stimulated economy. We as people deserve to live, it's our birthright

The author's comments:

This is what my ideal kingdom would look like. All is welcome.

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