How Tornadoes Came To Be | Teen Ink

How Tornadoes Came To Be

March 11, 2024
By 4schleicher SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4schleicher SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gaia is the Greek goddess of the Earth. She can control the weather and the land. She never liked creating weather that destroyed people or the beautiful earth, but she now has a reason to create bad weather like a tornado. She changed because of one naughty little elf. This is the story of the creation of tornadoes. 

Snicker the elf, lived in an enchanted forest where Gaia was the queen and everyone was friends with her. She loved seeing all the creatures everyday and wanted to make sure that there was always sun and warmth for the people. Snicker did not like Gaia at all and thought that she was the worst queen ever. One day, Snicker heard from a local elf that there is a land somewhere far away where there is something called rain and that it’s fun to play in, and it causes the flowers to be beautiful. Snicker decided one day to do research on Gaia and read that she was the Goddess of the Earth and can change the weather. He then thought that if he made her mad about something, it could rain and there would be more fun in this forest. He thought this plan was amazing and wanted to bring his elf friend into this. He had to think how to get her mad. After a couple of hours of thinking, he read how much she loves her husband. She loves him so much that she would do anything for him. He thought of the perfect diabolical plan. 

Snicker closed his book and skipped through the enchanted forest and went to his friend's mushroom and knocked on the door and said: “Sugarplum, Sugarplum I have the most amazing idea ever.”

Sugarplum asked: “What is it now?”

Snicker replied: “How would you like to visit the queen?”

Sugarplum got all excited like a kid going to the fair for the first time because he had never met the queen and had always wanted to see her beauty. He said: “Absolutely.” Snicker told him the plan about how he wanted there to be rain and thunder. Sugarplum did not want any part in this, so Snicker hit Sugarplum with a piece of wood and knocked him unconscious. Snicker marched through the woods with Sugarplum on his back. 

As Sugarplum started to wake up, Snicker was halfway through the forest. Sugarplum could not escape Snickers' plan now. Sugarplum sighed and had to help his best friend with an evil plan. As they have continued their journey through the forest, they have stumbled upon weird creatures, gotten lost in the corn fields, and have gotten really tired. They could finally see the castle in sight and decided to run. 

When both Snicker and Sugarplum arrived at the castle doors, they knocked on the vine doors and saw the beautiful, glorious Gaia. She was beautiful like the ocean view in the Bahamas. Snickers’ jaw dropped to the ground, nervous about his plan. Gaia said to them: “Hello, my beautiful creatures, what can I do for you?”

Sugarplum answered: “I just wanted to see your beautiness, have a good day, m’lady.”  He waved goodbye and sprinted out of there. Snicker was concerned and almost backed out, but he needed to see rain. 

Gaia took Snicker into her pretty castle and gave him a tour. Snicker was impressed, but still focused on his plan. She went to grab him a natural herb tea and he sat in the chair smiling happily. Gaia gave Snicker his tea and sat down. Snicker then said: “Hey, Gaia, I was wondering if your husband is gone.”

She looked at him confused and said: “Why do you want to know about my husband?”

Snicker then said: “Because I was wondering if you wanted to kiss me.”

She stood up and was moving around and muttering to herself in a crazy language. She looked so mad that she started crying and it started raining a little. Snickers’ plan was going smoothly, until something else happened. She stood in place and her long hair started to spin around in a weird motion and then she started to spin. Snicker heard a weird noise coming from outside and he looked at the cloud and started to turn into a twister. The twister picked up everything in its path and it started going towards Snicker. Snicker started running, but Gaia held him in place, the tornado picked him up, and he was never seen again. 

Gaia was super happy about her new power and only used it for revenge. Now, whenever we have a tornado, we know someone is flirting with Gaia up in the enchanted forest, destroying everything that person has.

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