It Takes A Coral Reef | Teen Ink

It Takes A Coral Reef

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

Bikini Bottom is the coral reef in which I reside. It's filled with fish, crabs, starfish,
whales, lobsters, and even a squirrel, so there's always someone to learn from. Everything I know
I've learned from my astute friends and family; from driving a boat to making Krabby Patties.
I'm a sea sponge, and welcome to my "village." Artemis, the Starfish is more than my neighbor;
he's my best friend. At times, Artemis can be vexatious, but most of the time he's almost as
nice as my grandma. Although things he does can be ineffectual, he still has his moments. Last
year he trained his snail, and together they won a snail race! Artemis teaches me how to have a
fun time catching jellyfish. My other neighbor is a Squid named Dickie Whittington. Mr. Whittington advocates for peace and
quiet from me and Artemis. Although he claims I have some sort of mental malady, I still learn from
him. Recently he tried teaching me how to play the clarinet. No matter how hard I tried, I
couldn't do it. He also helps me at the DeapSea Diner, the restaurant where we both work.
Mr. Whittington tries to show me how to act fancier, to make the DeapSea Diner a five star restaurant.
Speaking of the DeapSea Diner, my boss, Mr. Sea, is the owner of the restaurant. He taught me how
to perfect the DeapSea Dog, our signature hot-dog. Mr. Sea scrutinizes our every move, determined
to not lose a single penny. Although work can be boring, visits from the nefarious Plank seem to
make time fly by. Plank solicits for the secret recipe to the DeapSea Dog. Mr. Sea just
kicks Plank out the door, and soon Plank comes to me. He tries to teach me how to be evil,
something that I'm not interested in. Nonetheless, I still learn from him. Mrs. Whiff is my
driving instructor. She is loath to drive with me, because I have failed 19 times now. Every class
I learn more and more from her, and I think I'm going to pass this week!

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This article has 1 comment.

stargrl SILVER said...
on May. 1 2011 at 3:10 pm
stargrl SILVER, Ballston Lake, New York
5 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Haha nice... this should be in fan fiction!

Nice vocab usage