Chapter 2- Mrs. Woodwork | Teen Ink

Chapter 2- Mrs. Woodwork

May 26, 2024
By yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
9 articles 12 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
' Everyone keeps telling me how my story ends. Nah Imma do my own thing' - Miles Morales.

From above, Lucky observed the different flowers that David passed by, some are fuzzy and white, while some are yellow, and plain. Nevertheless, Lucky found each of them pretty.  Sparky, always ahead of the two, runs around on the field sometimes straying a bit too far, when it comes to chasing butterflies. Thankfully the pup continues to stick with the boys.  
‘Were dose this smart person live?’ asked the ragdoll 
‘Straight down ahead!’ cheered David. ‘We should now be here any second?’  
‘Second?’ Lucky questioned  
‘A way to tell time 'Answered the tall doll. 
Lucky blinked ‘What's time?’  
David sighed ‘Um...something that exists’ David then stopped on his tracks, and gasped in awe, as if he saw something that was worth the attention. ‘Ah, Look where almost there’  
‘Almost where?’ said Lucky.  
‘The place where the smart person lives’ said David.  
Lucky glanced at the distance, ‘I’m sorry but, I don't see anything!’  
‘Just look a bit further in the distance, buddy then you’ll soon see a house.’  
‘A house?’ Lucky raised a stitched brow.  
‘A place where dolls sleep, eat, and live in’ Daivd replied.  
Lucky, squinted left and right, hoping to find a ‘house’. Instead, he sees grass and flowers spread around with the occasional trees, spotted in random spots on the meadow. Nothing resembling a ‘house’, to say the least. David advised that Lucky looked near the hills, so in courtesy of David’s advice. He squinted at the far distance, hiding behind the hills, is a small black, blurry and squarish thing, so far from here and wherever, and only getting larger, every many steps David took. 
‘I see a something!’ reported Lucky. Quickly he pointed at the weird thing, like a toddler pointing at something new and exciting ‘Right there in the far distance, it's a black square!’  
‘Black square?’ David mumbled ‘You mean the house, right?’  
‘Thats a house?’ Lucky exclaimed.  
‘Yeah, that's where the smart person lives.’  said David, in cheery tone ‘Hang tight, buddy, we are almost there!’  
 And the two marched closer and closer to the black square. With the square, being clearer and clearer with every step.  
Once the two got near the house, and near the door, David grasped onto the door handle and walked through the house ‘Alrighty, Lucky we are here! Soon you get the answers needed’ shouted the enthusiastic boy, as he threw Lucky on the lovely floral sofa in the middle of the room.  
‘Stay here and make yourself comfy. I’ll be back’ 
‘Wait where are you going?’  said Lucky, but David trotted away, and up the stairs. So Lucky lays still once again.  
After a moment, Lucky is once again bored. With no sign of the smart person, nor David at sight, he thought about finding them himself. The only problem was his wobblily legs. 
So Lucky thought about how to walk. He glanced at the floral printed walls, the polished tables, and the regal chairs. After much thinking, Lucky had an idea.  
Using his floppy arms, Lucky propelled himself from the couch to the table.  
He held tightly onto the table as his legs tried to stand on their own. Once the wobblily legs sorted themselves out. Lucky slowly started to stand.  
Now with his legs up.  Lucky tossed himself, at each furniture and wall at a walk-able distance, and once he headbutted a wall. He stood up again and flung himself against another wall or thing.   
And did it again and again until he came across a row of ledges, that leads up.  
"Now what a weird thing this is" thought Lucky as he looked up and down, at the shaped ledges. Lucky nevertheless pushed himself up the ledges that lead up, and with his rag hand, climbed up, up, and up the jagged floor.  
Once at the top, Lucky found the room to be different. As if it were a teeny bit darker itself. Lucky got up and quickly held onto the nearest wall, for support.  As he stood, a dreadful sound, came from the room straight left.  
‘Oh heavens! Oh Mercy! Why must it be ruined now!’  
Screamed the weeping voice from the far left, who then sobbed oh so horribly, like a ghost who died the second time.  The ragdoll followed the horrid wailing, down the hall, clutching the wall as he went along.  
To find that the sorrowful bellows, comes from a nearby open door.  
The ragdoll, careful not to fall to make a sound, walked over to the near open door, and peeped through the open ledge.  
In the creak lies a china doll, twice as large as David, all made with chipped up glass, and old withered paint. Covered in a crimson dress, and hat. The large lady paces around the room, with her handkerchief wiping her face.   
‘Misery! Misery! Misery!’ wailed the sad doll ‘I Have Lost everything today, why must this godforsaken life be its cruelest to me, does it simply wish for me to die? If so then I shall die, by laying in this bed, and not eating for the rest of my life, I shall simply starve until the world has shown an act of kindness only then will I be alive again.’  The doll fainted on the bed and wept horribly into the pillow.  
What a horrible thought to be thinking about, thought the ragdoll, feeling sorry for the large doll. Something must have been dreadful to make the lovely woman cry hardly. The doll, careful not to fall, made his way to the crying doll.  “Excuse me miss, are you alright, by any chance?”  
‘Alright?! I’m awfully dead inside! Angel of God!’  cried the woman, who is blinded by her own tears. ‘How alright am I really am ?!’ 
‘Oh, sorry for asking.’ murmured the rag doll ‘May I ask why you are crying?’ 
The sad lady sniffed, ‘Today has been a horrible day.  Today is the day where I lost my favorite quill. I always put them in the right place where I would never forget them but this time, they are entirely missing. Now my whole purpose to life, is gone. Snatched away from my soul. How shall I live now?’  
‘Please do not cry miss.’ pleaded the doll ‘Do you know where you may have kept them?’  
‘The usual drawer, close to my bed’ answered the lady, while pointing to the table in front of them. Lucky, with arms as balance, carefully walked up to the brown thing which the lady pointed at, and began his search, scattering through various objects that he had no clue what they are. Then finding what supposedly is a quill and heading back to the lady.  
‘Is this a quill?’ Lucky said, as he held a white slice.  
The lady sniffed, ‘Thats not a quill that's a paper’ wept the lady before shoving her head into the pillow again.  Lucky apologized and returned to the drawer, to search again.  
He walked back up to the lady, with another thing in his hand.  
‘Is this a quill?’ Lucky said 
‘No that is a pencil, it never has feathers’ 
‘Oh, sorry.’  Lucky went back to the desk to search again. After a while of tossing and throwing items away. Lucky found a pen with a feather. This may be a quill perhaps, thought Lucky, before he took the feather, and presented it back to the weeping lady.  
‘Is this a quill?’ Lucky asked  
The woman looked up from her pillow. ‘Why, yes, it is’ she exclaimed. Without hesitation she grabbed the quill from the ragdoll’s hands and hugged it like a child. 'Why thank you figment of imagination, why it's a dear that my conscious is always acting normal.’  
‘What's imagination madam?’  
At that moment the lady realized that she wasn’t alone. She removed her head from the pillow, and turned around to see the ragdoll, face to face, for the first time.  It took a sight of a ragdoll, for the tall woman to scream and scrambled to the wall hugging the quill.  
‘W-who are you, dastardly child?!’ stammered the lady. ‘I’m Lucky’ he happily answered. He then raised his hand for it to shake ‘What is yours?’  
At the sight of Lucky’s hands, the tall lady yelped. ‘What are you doing here?’  Stuttered the lady ‘H-how did you get into the house?’ 
‘By David.’ answered the ragdoll ‘We came to find a smart person who lives here, ma’am. Do you know where they live?’  
The lady trembled, using her quill, she swung it to Lucky like a sword, ‘S-smart person? A-Are you plotting something devil?!’  
‘What’s a devil?’ said Lucky. ‘N-N-Never mind, stay back enemy’ threatened the now, seemingly scared lady, however Lucky has no conscious.   
‘What’s an enemy?’ Lucky asked again, further scaring the woman. She held the quill straight at Lucky, as she tries too slowly back away from him. Seizing the quill at him.  
Slowly and slowly, the scared Lady takes a step back. Lucky following her, unintentionally making her even more scared than she was before.   
The lady took one step after another away from Lucky. Until she slipped onto a piece of paper, and unfortunately broke a piece of her bottom. 
Her butt shattered in a million pieces in seconds.  
‘What is ‘dead’?’ asked Lucky.  
Thankfully the crash was loud, loud enough for anyone to hear. This caused the cotton doll, who was previously scavenging for toys, to run from the far end of the backyard to the halls, and coming to a screeching halt, when he found Lucky. 
‘Golly, Lucky what have you done.’ hollered David.  
Lucky turned his head, and shrugged ‘I don't know, she flew around I’m afraid.’  
‘You mean the smart person I have been talking about!? Golly Gee Lucky, you could’ve nearly killed her if you aren’t careful enough!’  
‘But she flew.’ Lucky protested.  
‘Flew? I think you mean, she slipped right’ David jeered. 
‘Oh, I guess so’ Lucky said.  
David sighed, then ran up to the smart person, to help her up. ‘Come on Lucky, lets help around.’ David helped the smart lady to her feet. Lucky feeling horrible for the trouble he put himself in, decided that he wanted to help. ‘Can I help?’  he asked. ‘I think there may be some glue in the drawer’ answered David, he explained to Lucky about what glue is and politely asked him to find it.  
Lucky went to the drawer and searched for the glue. Once he found it, he handed it to David, who then handed it to the smart lady. The two step out of the room, so that the smart lady can fix her bottom. Once the lady’s bottom was patched up, she stepped out, where the two boys are patiently waiting.  
‘Thank god that has been taken care off, I had a near fright.’ She took a deep breath ‘Now as I was saying -YOU WRETCHED THING, YOU NEARLY KILLED, ME YOU SHOULD BE EMBOWED TO THE DEEP DEPTHS OF THE BASEMENT, WHERE YOU WOULD BE TORTURED, AND DISMEMBERED AND-’  
‘Wait Mrs. Woodwork.’ David interrupted ‘You can’t hurt, our new resident. That is against the rules.’ David argued.  
‘A new resident?’ exclaimed Mrs. Woodwork  
‘I found a giftbox, while me and Sparky were playing around. From there I found Lucky. And I brought him here.’ David explained.  
 ‘And why is that, David?’ asked Mrs. Woodwork 
‘Because he can’t decide on what he wants to play.’ answered the doll 
Mrs. Woodwork gasped ‘You mean that thing can’t decide on a thing’   
‘Thats what I mean.’ David replied. ‘From the few seconds I spoke with him, he barely had a brain. Cannot decide on some things, that is why we need your help, to help him decide on what he likes to do.’ 
The lady scoffed, ‘Me? Decide? For that? I’m sorry David, but we must take this thing to the officials, when it comes to newcomers. ‘  
‘Wait-you mean Mayor Good Sir?’ Mrs. Woodwork crossed her arms ‘It's the rules I’m afraid. Besides the thing could’ve killed me, had you not intervened.’  
‘Come on, be reasonable, you cannot just give him to the mayor, you know how terrible things could get. Besides were, are just going to play, and he’ll leave you alone once he decides on a game.’  
Mrs. Woodwork scrunched up her nose, ‘He will?’  
‘Absolutely!' Cried the ragdoll ‘I’ll leave you forever if it makes you happy!’ he added.  
Mrs. Woodwork jumped a bit when Lucky spoke, before giving some thought to the decision. She cleared her throat ‘Would you dare not talk to me ever again?’ Lucky nodded.  
Mrs. Woodwork then strode to her room, and returned with a heavy book, filled with many pages that were filled with small piles of dust. ‘Here are all the games, that is ever recorded from A to Z. Don’t expect me to help you after this, okay?’  
Lucky’s eyes widen at the sight of the book, so many games they could play every day, there seems to be a good bunch to choose from. Surely now he would have an easier time choosing a game he likes. Grinned Lucky from ear to ear ‘Thank you Mrs. Woodwork.’  
Mrs. Woodwork groaned, and then walked away. Leaving two dolls, and a book.  
‘Wowie, that's a lot of games.’ remarked Lucky. Still bedazzled by the book. David shrugged it off, ‘Eh, there is not that much. Do not worry, I will help you figure out a perfect game for you.’ When Lucky’s eyes began to sparkle, Mrs. Woodwork ran back to the two, and snatched David away from Lucky.  
‘Absolutely not! Are you going to converse with that thing!’  and Mrs. Woodwork dragged the cotton doll away. Leaving Lucky in the middle of a corridor with a book of many games to choose from.  

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