The Green | Teen Ink

The Green

June 10, 2024
By Anonymous

Of all things in outer space,the one living thing sneaks in your home

he steals car parts metal and phones,he takes a snack break and eats the turkey bones in the fridge

you go downstairs and become shocked,you notice you woke up in the middle of the night because of the clock

you don’t notice THE GREEN above you on the ceiling

you take a few steps to go in the kitchen,not aware your in the middle of THE GREEN’S mission

You Open the fridge for thanks giving leftover’s,but you notice the meat from the turkey is all that’s left over

you turn your head quickly cause you heard a noise,something knocked over one of your toys,you caught a glance of something run out your door, there was something GREEN run across the floor

you hurry quickly to close the door and warn your parents

your parents don’t believe you well you tell them you saw something, you told them a million time that the thing was human like and Green

you make a plan so next time, you catch


The author's comments:

THE GREEN is a title for a sneaky alien

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