The Masked Oculus | Teen Ink

The Masked Oculus

June 14, 2024
By n_panch8002 BRONZE, Clarksburg, Maryland
n_panch8002 BRONZE, Clarksburg, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The neon-lit skyline of the city in 3024 blinked to life with the ambient holographic sunrise. Varun woke up with the familiar weight of his headset already in place, hiding the red streaks plastered around his eyes and nose. He reached up, feeling the cool plastic edges against his pale skin, a distinct contrast to the warm, digital sun rising in his vision. His short, black, messy hair was tangled beneath the headset, with strands poking out haphazardly. He couldn’t remember the last time he had taken it off or even when he had put it on. The device had become a part of him, as natural as his own skin. Years of simulated physical activity had left him with an average build, neither muscular nor frail. He opened his eyes to a spacious, modern loft with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a bustling digital cityscape. He took a deep breath, the scent of virtual coffee wafting through the air, a programmed touch of realism, thanks to his TTISD suit. He felt its snug embrace, but not recalling when he had first put it on, as if it had always been there. Varun felt a subtle warmth as the suit adjusted to his body temperature, an automated response to the cool morning air simulated by the headset. With a thought, the door in front of him opened, and he stepped out into the vibrant, simulated streets. As he walked past a building that had been a bustling movie theater yesterday, its appearance morphed into an immersive chatting room. The transformation was seamless, a daily routine so ingrained that it felt like the natural order of things.
Varun’s gaze was drawn to the towering ominous structure at the city’s center, the headquarters of the Big 5. The Nexus Tower loomed above everything, a skyscraper of shimmering glass and pitch-black steel, its sides constantly shifting with holographic displays of corporate logos and advertisements. An announcement echoed in Varun’s ears straight from the headquarters; the synthesized voice was cold and authoritative. “Attention citizens, welcome to another great day in the city. The Big 5 wishes to remind you of the following things: Read the latest edition of The Twitis Times. Watch Tickto’s upcoming film, Dystopia. ALL social interactions must be conducted through interfaces approved by Snapster. Always have ethical conversations, with ZERO arguments, as regulated by Discridia. And finally, remember always to obey Grand Master Instagrafer and the rest of the Big 5. Failure to comply will result in corrective measures. Respond to this announcement with ‘ALL PRAISE THE BIG 5’ to notify the Big 5 of your respect. Have a great rest of your day…” Varun barely registered the message, slowly mumbling “All…praise…the…Big…5”. The announcement was as much a part of his reality as the holographic street signs and color-changing advertisements that wrapped around him, blending seamlessly into the digital landscape.
Varun continued down the busy vibrant marketplace, with inhabitants swarming around the virtual supermarkets. As they passed him, he approached a small digital supermarket station and bought fruit to craft a smoothie to drink later, using the pipes from his TTISD suit. As the day stretched into the afternoon, something strange happened to Varun. His nose and face began to heat up, a burning sensation that felt like a malfunction in his headset. Maybe it’s an increase in temperature in the city, or my headset needs to be calibrated. Varun was puzzled, and then suddenly, his screen glitched in a flash with tiny static ripples slowly tearing through the city. The ripples created a window to a world much more rundown than the one he was used to. He witnessed an environment that felt real and more human. The shreds of the city slowly started to fade away, like nothing ever happened. But Varun saw it; a bare, neglecting, and quiet world. Just ruins, with no one in sight. Another world…another reality, it can’t…it can’t be. Varun stood frozen, the remnants of the glitch replaying in his mind.
As he resumed his walk home, Varun couldn’t help but glance around, half-expecting another glitch in his reality. Everything appeared as it should: the cheerful holograms, virtual Big 5 publicity posters, and endless crowds. Yet, the seed of doubt had been planted. He reached his digital loft and settled into his chair, the soft hum of the TTISD suit adjusting to his posture. What should I do…what should I do? Varun suddenly remembered an encrypted network he had found months ago. The resista-... that’s it! He accessed the network, a hidden corner of the virtual world where rebels gathered. They were the resistance, individuals who had glimpsed the truth and sought to awaken others. Varun’s fingers flew over the virtual keyboard, relaying his experience to the group. The replies came swiftly, a mix of encouragement and shared stories of similar glitches. They spoke of the real world outside, a world left in ruin while the natives of the city remained blissfully unaware, succumbing to their virtual utopia.
Days passed, but Varun nor the resistance could shake the images from their minds. Every day, they would keep seeing these unexpected glitches, making sure to take virtual snapshots each time. The resistance’s plan to reveal the truth grew bolder with each meeting, their determination fueled by the collective desire for freedom. One evening, the resistance held a secret gathering in a secure virtual space, one that the Big 5 can’t override. Varun joined the group, his avatar blending in with the others. The resistance sparked with courage, as they outlined the plan to hack into the city’s broadcast system. By utilizing the snapshots from previous glitches, they would show the real world to everyone, breaking the illusion and hoping to spark a rebellion against the Big 5.
The day of the operation arrived. Varun’s heart pounded as he prepared to put an end to the infamous faction. The resistance members synchronized their actions, each step meticulously planned. As the city’s clock struck noon, they initiated the hack. For a moment, everything froze. The vibrant cityscape wavered, the holograms flickering like old reels. The digital mask peeled away, revealing the hidden reality beneath. For a moment, everyone stood still in disbelief, their retinas reflecting the light off the bright blue screens. The images of the decayed world were undeniable. They saw crumbled buildings, abandoned streets, and a world in ruins. It was like viewing a reflection of the virtual world but through a broken mirror. Varun watched, hope and fear clashing within him. This was their chance to break free, to reclaim their lives from the grip of the Big 5.
But the reaction was not as Varun had hoped. Panic spread through the city like wildfire as everyone desperately tried to adjust their headsets to restore the digital reality, avoiding the truth of the real world. The Big 5’s response was swift and ruthless, always being one step ahead. Grand Master Instagrafer and the rest of the Big 5 sat on their thrones as automated drones descended like vultures from the digital Nexus Tower, enforcing compliance, resetting headsets and TTISD suits, and killing any sign of rebellion. Varun felt a cold dread as he watched the resistance’s efforts slowly crumble like a house of cards. The vultures flew everywhere, tasing anyone in sight. Screams could be heard from miles away, as the natives ran from the inanimate creatures. Fear had won over truth and hope. Varun slowly closed his eyes as he saw a drone zooming straight towards him, the noises and surroundings slowly vanishing.
Varun slowly opened his eyes, the blurriness calmly drifting away. He stood in a modern, futuristic loft, with windows as high as a skyscraper. Varun stepped out of the house to the endless sky of crystal blue, buildings gleaming with futuristic elegance, and the air humming with a sense of peace and order. He blinked, adjusting to the brightness. His heart pounded as he noticed the centerpiece of this immaculate city. A dazzling skyscraper soared above the metropolis with polished steel and radiant glass. Its sides were animated with vibrant holographic displays of five strong men and women, standing shoulder to shoulder. Abruptly, an autonomous voice spoke in Varun’s ears, interrupting his thoughts. “Attention citizens, welcome to another fabulous day in the city! The Big 5 wishes to remind you of the following things: Remember to read the latest edition of The Twitis Times. Remember to watch Tickto’s upcoming film, Utopia. Make sure that all social interactions are conducted through platforms approved by Snapster. Remember to have ethical conversations, with ZERO arguments, as regulated by Discridia. And finally, remember to always respect Grand Master Instagrafer and the rest of the Big 5. Respond to this announcement with ‘ALL PRAISE THE BIG 5’ to notify the Big 5 of your respect. Have a great rest of your day!” Varun was in awe. He knew he was safe in this utopia, the world of wonders. He looked around once more, and without any hesitation, he passionately shouted “ALL PRAISE THE BIG 5!”

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Neil Panchal, and I am a high school junior. I love creating works of Sci-fi and Fantasy, mirroring my own imagination to the keyboard. I take inspiration from the world-renowned author Ray Bradbury, as I include similar themes in my writing pieces. This writing piece, in particular, focuses on a man named Varun, and his journey through the corrupted virtual world. I really hope this short story will open your eyes to the dangers of technology and corporations.

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