The Red States | Teen Ink

The Red States

January 8, 2013
By Zachary Helms BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Zachary Helms BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aaron’s Beginning

Imagine living in a country that isn’t really its “own” country.

Imagine being once free but one progressive mistake ruined everyone’s original lives.

This is how America is today. The debt of the country was unprecedented and was overlooked until it was too late. The issue was increasing disastrously but at a very slow, unalarming rate. The problem gets worse and worse but you truly begin to notice it when you are already burned. When the debt had exceeded $25 trillion, a lurking country came in to “rescue” us from our demise. China promised a new, stress and debt free future. Although no one foresaw the true end. None except my family. My dad, Blake, is a passive guy and never argues with Grandfather. Mother died when I was only 3 years old so never really knew her except that her name was Annabeth,she was short with brown hair, and brown eyes. My grandfather John was always sceptical of a country who never liked us to try to help. He didn’t blame them for not liking us, the feeling had been mutual for decades. As the leader of our house, my grandfather John moved us to a rural area away from China’s influence in 2020. This was 5 years after China came to us.

My name is Aaron Rose. I am 15 years of age, the current year is 2038, and my family lives in the woods of Montana. We hunt for food and never head towards a town. I never knew why my grandfather was so scared of the towns but seeing as how I have never seen one since I was born, I can’t argue. Everyday I have a longing feeling to see the country in its new state. I see these kind of metal birds flying over called planes somedays. When one comes anywhere near us, Grandfather always forces us inside the basement where we hide for the rest of the day. He says that it is not safe if they find us but he never explained why.
Right now I’m just going through the daily routine.

I just do chores, read the same old books, and do nothing. Although something was different than normal. Grandpa said that his gift for my 16th birthday would be answers to any questions pertaining to the old world, the new world, and our family history. My birthday is tomorrow and I have so many thoughts going through my head.

Today’s the day I am finally told all of the closely kept secrets of my family. Nothing could ruin this... I hope. Planes have been flying by almost everyday now. Grandpa is getting worried about the Capital figuring out that people are living in the woods. Please just don’t come today.

“Ask anything that you want to know Aaron.” said Grandpa “We would have told you but we wanted you to be old enough and your father thinks that it is time.”
Aaron couMy name is Aaron Rose. I am 15 years of age, the current year is 2038, and my family lives in the woods of Montana. We hunt for food and never head towards a town. I never knew why my grandfather was so scared of the towns but seeing as how I have never seen one since I was born, I can’t argue. Everyday I have a longing feeling to see the country in its new state. I see these kind of metal birds flying over called planes somedays. When one comes anywhere near us, Grandfather always forces us inside the basement where we hide for the rest of the day. He says that it is not safe if they find us but he never explained why.
Right now I’m just going through the daily routine.

I just do chores, read the same old books, and do nothing. Although something was different than normal. Grandpa said that his gift for my 16th birthday would be answers to any questions pertaining to the old world, the new world, and our family history. My birthday is tomorrow and I have so many thoughts going through my head.

Today’s the day I am finally told all of the closely kept secrets of my family. Nothing could ruin this... I hope. Planes have been flying by almost everyday now. Grandpa is getting worried about the Capital figuring out that people are living in the woods. Please just don’t come today.

ldn’t agree more. Now, in this serene moment with the coyotes in the dark outside, he could finally receive essential answers. He had been waiting for what seemed like decades for just simple answers. He want to know things like his family history, how the world was, and especially how his mom died.

“Grandpa, I really want to know.....”.

Just then planes began coming fast and low. After they pass us, they came back around and was landing straight in a meadow. Grandpa tried to keep us calm but how could I. They had ruined his chance to get answers and he was scared of the what the “Public Eye” would do to them. Dad was waiting in the basement with tons of survival supplies including food, blankets, matches, flare, etc. He had already opened a secret hatch under the basement closet floor covered by a board and false cement.

The Public Eye was closing in and fast on our house. They were all dressed in matte black shell like armor, smoked out visors, rubber-like gloves, and these strange looking boots. What was even more bizarre was what they were holding. Well it wasn’t that they were holding them but around their wrists were these weird cannon like hope. Planes have been flying by almost everyday now. Grandpa is getting worried about the Capital figuring out that people are living in the woods. Please just don’t come today.

ldn’t agree more. Now, in this serene moment with the coyotes in the dark outside, he could finally receive essential answers. He had been waiting for what seemed like decades for just simple answers. He want to know things like his family history, how the world was, and especially how his mom died.

“Grandpa, I really want to know.....”.

Just then planes began coming fast and low. After they pass us, they came back around and was landing straight in a meadow. Grandpa tried to keep us calm but how could I. They had ruined his chance to get answers and he was scared of the what the “Public Eye” would do to them. Dad was waiting in the basement with tons of survival supplies including food, blankets, matches, flare, etc. He had already opened a secret hatch under the basement closet floor covered by a board and false cement.

The Public Eye was closing in and fast on our house. They were all dressed in matte black shell like armor, smoked out visors, rubber-like gloves, and these strange looking boots. What was even more bizarre was what they were holding. Well it wasn’t that they were holding them but around their wrists were these weird cannon like devices. The leader was repeatedly calling;
“Rose family, we know that you’re in there and if you surrender you will not be punished severely.”

The voice was in a strange and unfamiliar tone or accent. I have never heard that before. Grandpa said not to listen and hurry into the hatch.

We continued running down this small tunnel when I heard the sound of explosions and cannons firing above. I was so scared that my dad had to call my name to bring me back. We ran for what seemed like miles but we came out at the bottom of the hill we lived on. About a mile up the hill, our house was in ruins. I can’t begin to describe how I was feeling. Everything that I knew, loved, and saw was in that house. What did we do to deserve this and how could these people willingly try to kill us. What would we do now? What could we do now?


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