Taking Over the World | Teen Ink

Taking Over the World

March 4, 2013
By deeanna_ancliff BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
deeanna_ancliff BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After many years of waiting, it is finally happening. We are finally taking over the world. We are your sense of direction, your brain, your soul, your bridge to the outside world, and your phone. Without us you are lost.

It all started with my ancestors. They moved from simply texting to completely brainwashing the nation. Now were on to bigger and better things. We are no longer just the thing you carry in your pocket for emergencies. We are now you lifeline.

There are a few brave ones. A few who try to resist us, but for most of the world, we have you hooked. Take us away and the people may embrace chaos.

We’ve already come this far, so what could possibly come next? Will we completely consume your thoughts? Maybe we will be the ones carrying you in our pockets just for emergencies.

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