Deshon the bunny | Teen Ink

Deshon the bunny

March 21, 2013
By EDREX BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
EDREX BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhere in a donut shop in chicago...

Deshon was devouring his 10,000 donut, since he had retired from the army. those were dark times for a rabbit who wasn’t good at anything except Killing people who the United states needed taken care of. He stepped out of the shop for a second to light a carrot when someone walked up to him and put a potato sack on his head and carried him away. Deshon kicked with his bunny feet but it made no difference his kidnapper was a big man “HEEELP” Deshon cried out many times but nobody heard him. Before he knew it they put him in a van, but before he had time to react someone hit him and knocked him out.
When Deshon finally woke up he was welcomed by a familiar face his old comrade Martin. Martin was a dirty looking raccoon that had been good friends with deshon since the first time that Dr. Gorman tried to take over the world by making WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) and targeting the worlds major cities. “Why am I here Martin you know I quit the army years ago!” Deshon said with hostility in his voice angry that they kidnapped him. Martin intimidated by Deshon’s tone of voice said, “Deshon the world needs you,” he hesitated and then said “ The U.S.A has received intel that Dr.Gorman is back, and this time he has a Robot army That is growing stronger as we speak.” Martin looked up and what he saw was a furious rabbit that attacked him as if he had rabies kicking and punching when Deshon got all of his anger out he told martin “ You know I retired I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN THE ARMY ANY MORE!!!!” Hurt martin stood up from the dirty ground and looked into Deshons eyes and said, “Deshon, they asked me to come here because I’m the only person you would listen to please for old times sake do this last thing, and we will not ask anything else from you.” Deshon remembered all the good times he had with Martin being part of special forces and agreed to it, but with one condition...
somewhere in the APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS...
Dr. Gortat was standing in a giant podium in front of 20,000 Disabled robots. He opened a drawer and pulled out a controller and pressed the big red button, and suddenly 20,000 disabled robots became 20,000 Evil fully operational robots. Dr. Gortat started laughing a terrible laugh, “Muahahhaha!!!!!”
Deshon was riding in a helicopter, one of ten ,carrying six special forces teams and his buddy Martin. Deshon Remembered all the times he thought he had defeated Dr. Gortat, but he just kept coming back; This time he planned to end it once and for all. Over his headset he heard Martin saying to him , “Deshon,!” the roar of the helicopters engine making it hard to hear him. “If our intel is right then Dr. Gortat’s compound is about one mile that way.,” and he pointed north. Deshon quickly replied by saying, “Let’s get to it!” The helicopters landed and Martin and Deshon got out to see the special forces teams securing the area, “sure is cold out here.” Martin shouted over the noise of the wind, Deshon responded shivering “Yeah, Alright team lets start heading north.” After Trudging through the snow for what seemed like an hour they finally found an opening in a with bright lights, as they got closer they realized that it was a hangar full of fighter jets ready to deploy. “Hey, Martin WHat are those shiny things in the hangar?” Before Martin could reply a there was giant explosion that took the life of two of the teams followed by the sound of automatic fire shooting at us. Soon everyone was firing their weapons at the shiny objects. Deshon armed with a MP7 submachine could not get a shot so he moved up behind some rocks and had a more clear view of the enemies, and was able to pick of the enemies and eventually clear the hangar. Deshon approached one of the enemies that he killed and discovered that they were robots, “Martin, those things that we just killed were some of Dr. Gortats evil robots,” “copy that Deshon, now that we have an entrance you go find gortat while me and the teams go plant the bomb.”
after mowing down more of Dr. Gortat’s robots, Deshon finally got to A giant metal door that seemed like it radiated Evil. Deshon pried opened the door, but he was met by an evil familiar face, Dr. Gortat, “Deshon what the heck are you doing here I thought you quit!” He said with a little fear in his voice, “anywho it does not matter because in about 10 minutes my robots will attack every major city in the world, and I will be named Emperor of the world Muahahhaha!!!!!” Dr. Gortat’s words echoed off the cold iron walls of his base terrifying Deshon. “Gortat i will make sure that your plan is stopped, and you eliminated,” “What are you going to do kill all my robots well you can't there are 20,000 of them.” Then Deshon heard a voice he was always glad to hear, “Deshon charges are in place escape to the extraction zone You have two minutes!” Martin screamed over the sound of gunfire. Deshon knew that it would be impossible to escape in that time so he decided to accept his fate and stall. “Hey Gortat nice bald head!!” Deshon shouted. Dr. Gortat who was always offended when people make fun of his baldness chases Deshon around like an idiot. What he didn’t know was that his lair was about to blow up in less than 30 seconds...
Outside The lair MArtin was worried for Deshon because he had not made his way out and the bomb was about to blow.
There was a giant explosion, and where there was a lair was just a bunch of rocks. MArtin Fell to his knees and Yelled, “DESHON, NOOOO!!!”
6 Months later...
The muskets fired in the rain as they were Burying “Deshons body”. Martin attended the funeral and remembered all the good times he had with Deshon. Martin’s phone rang so he stepped away and answered it, “it’s Martin.”

“Mission accomplished old friend.” and the call ended. From the shadows a Bunny addicted to donuts stood thinking that he had made the best decision by faking his death, But he was wrong...

The author's comments:
It's about a bunny who is in the military

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