Natural Hierarchy | Teen Ink

Natural Hierarchy

March 21, 2013
By Anonymous

He stared up at the endless array of stars. They glistened brightly as darkness quickly descended across the land he once knew. That land was not what he had imagined and dreamed about for so many years, though. What he had believed to be the Land of All Glory was no more than another expanse of jungle. The man had finally found a tree branch large enough and sturdy enough to support his weight. Using vines to make his way upward, he began the daunting ascent. Once he was as high as he could go among the snagging branches, he located a spot in which he would have a splendid view of the sky. There he rested and watched the twinkling of stars undisturbed by man’s burdensome scrapers of the sky and useless screeching machines. These tall structures and pieces of technology were the greatness of mankind; the creations that would solve all problems and cure all diseases, if not at one point then soon enough. Everyone was convinced that the human race would do nothing but prosper for eons to come. No one suspected they would be wiped out in one fantastic second by the very technologies they claimed dominance over.

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