The Details You Don't Know | Teen Ink

The Details You Don't Know

April 28, 2013
By Anonymous

The Details You Don't Know

"Honey we need to do something. This is the second time she's woken in the night screaming about monsters and creatures in her room. I'm scared Charles."

"Tomorrow morning I will take her to the doctor's."

One might say it was the screaming that was the worse, others bluntly said it was how real she thought the fairytales were. No matter what people thought, one thing was certain, there was something weird about Charles Landbrook's daughter. Nobody said this to him directly of course, for he was a wealthy sailor. Charles could get you in trouble with the law just by looking at his daughter funny after she said something like "What a beautiful bagdrog you have on your shirt!"

Surely enough the next morning Mr. and Ms. Landbrook were seen entering Doctor Gibbs's office. Trudging behind was their beautiful blond daughter that most said was possessed by the devil. As she walked in, she smiled at a mailman passing by.
"Hello Mr. Mailman. What brings you to this corner of the neighborhood?"

No answer.

She shrugged, and continued talking, for this happened often.
"I must get going, but I do think your bag made out of hugeldig moss is beautiful. Have a nice day" and with that she stepped into the office.

"Sir, can you help us?" Ms. Landbrook said almost pleadingly. The doctor took one look at the child and knew exactly why they were here. He, too, had heard the rumors about said child. He gave a stern nod and beckoned the strange child into a long hallway. The worried parents started to follow but with a flick of Doctor Gibbs coat they sat back down in the chairs placed by the front door. The room that Doctor Gibbs led the child to was the first of many identical empty rooms. He sighed at how slow business had been, but trudged on. As he opened the door of the first room Charles's daughter became rigid.

"What's wrong my child?" He asked

"There is a Jabberwocky in this room. He will eat us if we do not leave now." He looked into her eyes to see if she was joking, but staring back at the doctor were small eyes full of intense fear. He sighed for the second time, closed the door, and led her to a room farther down the hallway. He opened the door and told her to sit on the bench. She complained about the hard wood throughout the whole examination. She looked at some cards, read a sentence, and told him what she saw. He also took her temperature and checked out her heart beat. The toughest part though were the questions.

"What do you see right before the creatures appear?"

"Why doctor, you may find this funny, but there is always a white rabbit hopping around before I am visited by any talking creatures." Dr. Gibbs jotted down notes throughout the whole examination, and only put his pen down when finished. He then took the child back to her parents. He had them come into his office without the child to have a private discussion.

"Your child has a rare mental disorder that causes her to have vivid hallucinations." Charles took a deep inhale and began to ask if there were any way to fix the problem. Ms. Landbrook begins to sob and wail. When they finally calmed her down, all three adults exit the room. Charles took his daughter's hand and led her out the door.

"Good Day sir"

On the way home they stop at the wonderful toy store and Charles told his daughter to pick whatever she wanted. She chose a shabby top hat and an ugly looking tea set. She also decided to get a book that looked far too difficult for her age. Charles tried to explain this, but she refused to listen. They ended up buying the three items, which caused some difficulty carrying on the way home. Once home the child noticed her nanny had returned from the grocery store. Ecstatic the child asked if she would like to read the new book out loud to her. The nanny agreed after seeing the forlorn look on the parents faces. They headed to the foot of a large oak tree in the backyard. The nanny took the child's hand and told her to sit down so that she could start reading. The melodious voice of the nanny filled the air with tales of wondrous places no man had ever been too. As the first chapter finished and the second began the child's mind started to wander. The child looked up at the house and noticed her father staring at her. She waved and her father waved back.

"Honey why does she spend so much time alone out there, it is almost as if she believes she has a real caretaker beside her."

The young child turned her head to stare towards the creek that's located farther down the hill away from the house. Her eyes widened as she noticed a white hare standing on two feet. This creature was no ordinary rabbit for it was dressed in a fancy waistcoat. The child let out a squeal when she saw the hare take out a expensive looking pocket watch on a chain.
"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!"

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