Leaving Earth | Teen Ink

Leaving Earth

May 8, 2013
By mark.westshore BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
mark.westshore BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Earth is now a fully man-made structure filled with people who all want to be the same. I choose not to be another copy of some guy who wants to be “cool” or “famous”, so I’m leaving the planet never to return. “Your crazy, what do you expect to find out there?” said my mother through the speaker of my wrist phone. “I don’t expect to find anything, but I expect not to come across this planet again.” I replied before I hung up. As I walk toward the shuttle that’s sitting gleaming in the artificial sun, I toss my electronics into one of the many man-made lakes throughout the world. I keep my iPod, as I know there is a very long Journey ahead of my small crew and me.

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