Escape from the Boxed Tomb | Teen Ink

Escape from the Boxed Tomb

May 31, 2013
By hoboSaping BRONZE, Foster, Oregon
hoboSaping BRONZE, Foster, Oregon
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Every day and night is the same. I couldn’t find a way out of this four by four FedEx box if it meant this to be my casket for life and death. It’s my home, yet a tedious cube. Though I fade inside this tomb, the outside of it is much more horrifying. In my younger youth I was cast out of what people were mistaking as “society.” They found my true weakness that I cannot bear the thought of, my curse, and my demise. They sent me in an island. With nothing but the cardboard box just to humiliate me I presume. As I was making my escape from my prison, a large damaged aired boat of a few mortals was washing up to shore. I thought of staying to use my magical charm to interrogate them. I became companions with one by the name of Joe Hefty. Over the years I sat in my box with no one but Hefty to keep my company. Hefty built his humble abode around my tomb to keep me from bearing in my mind the notion of the island. I demanded him for one last endowment to set my mind utterly away from the horrors of the outer surface. I sent him off to find me a chipmunk to tame.

Now I do not know what happened to my mortal child that I’ve sent. Yet somehow the chipmunk that I’ve requested has come to me. This brave, unholy, lavishly handsome priest can now create the most unholy demonic monster. I will now begin my final step to leave this god forsaking realm. My alteration magic will enlarge the beast to smite the foes that distrusts my words.
I held the chipmunk in my hands. My creation doesn’t feel the enthusiasm as I do, but in time it will be my daughter, preacher, creature, savoir, and beholder. I reached my moist powerful hands to the heart and used my divine control. As I’m in this process I could witness my diverse child morphing before my eyes. The chipmunk shaped into something with an unnatural skin pigment, were the claws became bloody red, the torso has bruised green spots the back was tarring so a set of winged limbs could settle. It stud as tall as a hyena. Her body, screaming in pain and I couldn’t worry for that the transformation was almost complete. After a few moments the great beast began growing to the point where it was crushing him and me in the box. My girl, twitching in so much pain, she slammed her face out of the box which the cardboard was ubiquitous. The rodent finished growing cells but not rage. She sprang all of here intense furry at me. I quickly used my charm to stop what could have been a gruesomely violent assault. She stepped down in front of me and calmed her expressive face. I got on her rough back and we flow off to vengefully reclaim my place as many will again remember my title as dark priest.

The author's comments:
Its dark

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