The Beastlies | Teen Ink

The Beastlies

May 27, 2013
By Anonymous

I wake up in a dark place. I see an outline of a girl and two boys. As my eyes adjust to the dim light I recognize them: Beth, Ronny and Ben. I try to get up but my head feels cloudy and my shoulders in excorticating pain. When I try to get up beth franticly holds my arm to help me up.

She whispers,” Be quiet we are in the sewer hiding from those men. You got shot in the shoulder by one of them.’

After she said that I heard people talking, almost yelling right above the man-hole.

An older sounding man said frustrated,” Where did they go?”

Another younger sounding man said, “ Sorry sir, we lost visual of them after it started to rain.”

The older man said,” Well did you check the sewer?”

After that both voices stopped. We all looked at each other eagerly. Then Beth started to point in the opposite direction. We all started to walk fast in the other direction so they wouldn’t hear us. It was working until I tripped over my own feet and mad ea splashing noise.

The older man yelled, “They are down there!”

The man-hole started to move and we didn’t care about being quiet anymore so we started to sprint. I could hear splashing and yelling behind us. They were very close. I tried to run as fast as I could but with every step I took my shoulder started to hurt even more. I needed a break. We turned into another long ally but there was a hidden on that I almost missed. I guess ben already saw it because he turned into it before every one and pulled us in. We were all trying to catch our breath as we silently watched them pass.

“I think we entered a different city.” I whispered listening to people talking and cars above us.

“Really? Ok good. We have to get up there before they come back.” Ronny said.

“How will we get up there ?” Asked Ben.

We all started to look frantically for some sort of step but we were out of luck. There is nothing down here!

“I have an idea. Ok so we can use Ben. He is tall enough to get himself up and us.” Suggested Beth.

“Good idea,” states Ben,” but we need to do that fast before they realize they’ve lost us.”

Beth was first; she got up with no problem. Then there was me. My should already hurts enough without using it; now I actually have to use it.

“Come on Cara, Ill pull you up.” States Beth.

As she started to pull my right arm up my left, injured one, stared to hurt even more. It felt as if someone was repeatedly stabbing me in the shoulder with a very sharp knife. I felt my left arm starting to give out. The pain was the worst I have ever felt in my life. I think I blacked out for a second because suddenly I felt the imprints of Ronny’s hands on my high back.

He pushed me back up and said,” Careful Cara, just hurry up before they come back.”

I ignored him. I decided if I swung my left arm up really fast it wouldn’t hurt. I was so, so wrong. Just when I was about to fall back again Beth pulled me as hard as she could up; Ronny and Ben followed. Ronny, Beth and Ben all put there hoods up. I did the same but I was confused why they were putting them up. Then it hit me; we are in a Flawless town no one her is a Beastly! We stick out like a sore thumb! We turned into another ally, great, but this time there is a door.

Ben oprned it and said,” Uncle Jerry! Uncle Jerry are you home?”

Beth asked Ronny,” What are we doing here?”

He responded with, “You’ll see.”

Inside the house is a very modern apartment. We turned to go into another room. On the walls and table there is a lot of prostatic faces and face parts.

A man enters the room and says very happily,” Ronny! Ben! My favorite nephews! What are you doing here? Oh wait let me guess. You four need prostatic faces so they wont find you, ya?”

“Yes. Can you help?”

“Of course I cant help! Who is first?”

We all got different faces. It was actually really cool. While we left jerry’s house there were those same men handing out wanted flyers of us. We started to try and walk around them but that older man stopped us.

He said,” Have you happened to see these kids? Their operations went wrong so they were not able to become a Flawless.We are trying to get them before they do any harm.”

I replied with,” Oh that’s horrible! If we happen to see them im sure we will turn them into you.”

We walked away fast back to Jerry’s house so we can go to sleep but Beth insisted that grab a bite to eat before we go back. We stopped at a small diner.

“Why didn’t your Uncle turn us in?” I asked.

‘Well, you see, Uncle Jerry is just like us; his operation went wrong so he never became a Flawless. Those people were hunting him down but he faked his own death so they stopped. And in college he majored in prostates and make up so he kinda became a pro.”

We got back to Jerry’s house but the door was open.

“Cara did you leave the door open?” Asked Ben.



When we entered the door immediately closed behind us. That same older man was in there with other men in black sun glasses and tux.

“Hello my name is Sgt. Cooper and don’t even bother making up a fake name because I already know your real ones. Ronny and Ben Garcia, Beth Puff, and Cara Blue. You all are coming with me.”

There was an open window next to us but it was a 2 story drop. I made the split second decision to jumped and the others followed me. As I landed I looked up to see a gun pointed at me. Before the men could shoot we all started to run and disappear into the crowd forever.

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