the skies | Teen Ink

the skies

June 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Before my parents had disappeared I was a happy and a wealthy kid. But now am on a orphan center with just one friend and It has been already two to three months since that day that ruined my life. The police says that my parents had disappeared like if they were taken. The police asked me if i had seen anything but i said no even though I did. Because if i had told the police what really had seen they wouldn’t believe what i had said or seen and will start thinking differently about me and maybe instead of putting me on a orphan center they might take me to one of does crazy places where they put the kids and the adults.

But i was smart so i stayed quiet and didn’t said anything i wasn’t supposed to. I just needle a couple of year to become an adult and leave the orphan center i was seventy years old i needle to be eighteen to become an adult and leave the Orphan center. I already had over five thousand dollars saved i was going to use the money for any emergency i gaved some to the people who were taken care of me i got the money by working on saturdays on this garage i was doing mechanic fixing cars and other stuff.

For the two to three months i was their no parents adopted me because i was too old. the way i looked seem like i was a rebellion kid like one of those kids who don’t pay attention or leasing to anyone.

I promised myself that as soon as i get out of the orphan center i was going to investigate what took my parents and how. All that i remember was seen my parents holding my hand running away from the house and when we got out this white light from the sky shined and my parents had disappeared the white light took my parents. I always asked myself how come it didn’t took me instead.

I called the police after everything had happen a man had answer the phone his voice was deep he responded and asked me how can he help me. I told him that my parents had been taken . The cop asked me who took my parents I had said that they had disappeared i can’t find them this white light took my parents. The cop asked me how old I was that if I take any medicine and if i am in any drugs. I answer all of his question and told him that i am in no drugs and all that i needle was his help. he told me that he was going to send two cops to investigate what happen.

I sat down on the stair and started thinking what my parents had said and what the have done. A long time ago before this whole thing had happened my parents were fascinating in studying creatures but especially aliens my parents had thousands of information and data on aliens. My parents had this wear information about them like how big they were and somehow their strength i didn’t understood how they got their information it was like they had their own alien and were testing on them.

My parents always spend hours on the locked door that their is on our basement, they will alway tell me to never go in on that door that if I do it will change my life for ever not like that am going to get grounded or my game taking away. My dad will always show me all the data that he had on aliens but my mom will always get mad at me and at my dad because she does not want me to get involved in their research.

My mom and dad both graduated from rutgers college the career major that my mom and dad both graduated were different but they were almost the same My dad graduated and became a scientist my mom graduated to become one of does people who study stars, the sky and the sun. They both met on school and got married and two years later I was born.

The reason my mom got fascinated into the world of aliens just like my dad it started on june 20 1990. My mom was looking into the sky looking at the stars and when this big metal thing was going really fast down and crushed into were the mountains were my mom talk to my father and left on the car they were heading to where the big oval shape metal thing was i asked if i can go be my mom didn’t wanted me to get involve that it can be too dangerous . So I stayed on my house alone and waited for my parents to come.

When my parents came they told me to go upstair and to locked the door i locked door and when and see what was happening I saw my parents holding on their back this white person bold black eyes and tall they right away took it inside our house straight to the basement. I open the door and when downstair to check what was going on. My parents were coming out from the basement I asked them what was that they said nothing they were just quiet I heard them saying how can this be possible I said what’s possible they told me to go back to my room and not to get out. Next morning my dad called this guy to go on the basement and brick a twenty two feet by twenty feet square wall brick.

My parents didn’t wanted me to go to the basement that if I did I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. I didn’t understood what my parents meant by that but i still leasing to them and didn’t even tried to go in it I went outside to play with my bike after thirty minutes of playing i got bored and went inside and started playing on my ps2 game system. Since that day my parents had change incredibly they had spend hours in the basement i wasn't sure what they were doing and as curious I was I still didn’t when down there in the basement.

After years of my parents spending time on the basement doing whatever they were doing i got bored of not knowing what was under my house so I decided to go and open the door that my parents had been hiding for years. my parents weren’t home so I went down stair the door was locked so I decided to get the hammer and crack the locker I hitted twice and it didn’t broke so I decided to hit it again and boom it came of the locker had been broken. I was getting nervous when i was opening the door I heard someone opening the door so guessed it was my parents and i went upstair. My parents asked me if everything was ok my dad asked me why am I so nervous.

A huge roar sounded from the basement my dad ran downstair I followed him I saw the same guy from that night white skin black eyes and bold. But this time it was different he was standing up looking at my dad and at me my dad ran holding my hand took my mom too and ran outside and from nowhere a huge light shined and my parents were getting pulled into the sky. After the light had disappeared my parents did too......


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