Dungeons We Seek | Teen Ink

Dungeons We Seek

November 15, 2013
By PaigeS SILVER, Fordoche, Louisiana
PaigeS SILVER, Fordoche, Louisiana
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Low moaning came from all around and I couldn't figure out which direction I was facing or where my feet were taking me. All I knew was that the sky was beginning to fall and I had to reach my destination fast. There was only one problem with the ultimatum; I don't know where I am or what is going on. I felt something reach out and grab a hold of me, and began to scream.

I woke with a gasp as I jumped from the bed and hit the floor, bringing the lamp down with me.
"Maria, are you ok up there?" I heard my mom start to descend the stairs as she spoke.
"Yes mom. Everything is fine."
"Ok, breakfast is ready when you are but make it quick. Your late for school again."
According to my mom I was always late, but I still hurried up and went through my morning ritual. After getting fully dressed I skipped down the stairs and kissed my mom on the cheek then made my way to the table.
"I got the car running and your jacket and umbrella are next to the door." I ate my food while mom continued to jabber on. As I got up to put my plate in the sink I heard a knock at the door. Opening the door, I found two officers.
"Hello, how may I help you?" I could tell by the uniforms that this wasn't just a house warming visit.
"Is your mother home?" The older officer tried to feign politeness but I could hear the irritation behind his words.
"Mom! Your needed at the door." I stayed until my mom got there then stood to the side, hanging on to the door as I intently listened to what the officers had to say.
"Ma'am, we are sorry to inform you but your father's body was found in an old tunnel under your previous house."
"T-Thank you for informing me, but I'm afraid that he has been dead for fifteen years." I seen the shock on the older man's face. The younger officer took that as a chance to ask his own questions while handing over a picture.
"Well ma'am I guess we are just going to have to look into that. You wouldn't know why your father's body would be in the house would you?"
"Actually no. Now can I go? "
"There are a few more questions that we have, but seeing that you are not under arrest we will just have to ask you to stop by the station after dropping your daughter off at school."
"Fine, but there is absolutely nothing I can tell you." Mom grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed passed the officers, towards the car. The whole way to the school the only audible sound was the engines roar as the gears shifted.
"Oh, Maria. Happy Birthday." As I watched as my mom ducked back into the car then turned around to face my eternal doom. School.
I had only been in school for three hours when I heard the intercom call me for check out. I felt the confusion cross my face as I gathered my books and headed out the class. I had never been checked out before. In fact my mother was adamant that I come to school. As I reached the office, my mom walked out with a tear streaked face and hugged me as tight as she could.
"Mom, what's wrong?" I have never seen my mother cry before. Even when she broke her arm that one time, she drove herself to the hospital dry faced. As she hugged me I heard her repeating the same thing over again. "I tried. I tried. Oh God I tried."
After a few moments of hugs and tears, I gingerly pulled away and held her chin so that she looked me directly in the eyes. "Mom, what do you mean 'you tried'?
"Not here." I let my mother drag me to the car and waited for her to speak up, but nothing came. After about an hour's drive she pulled over, idled the car and turned to me.
"Our family has been filled with secrets for decades. We-"
"We are... as you would say... special. The one that cursed us was not human." My mother raised her hand in protest as I began to speak. "Your great great great grandfather was a very curious man who got caught up in the idea of magick. He sought out a Goddess every night. She fell in love with his humanly devotion so much that she 'gave' herself to him and soon became pregnant. When her brother found out he was furious and damned their child. He said the child would have great powers that would soon destroy him, and with each child the gift would increase."
When my mother took a breath, I ceased the moment for my own questions. "So the gift is our curse?"
"If the gifts are not the curse then what is?" Even though what she was saying sounded completely bizarre I could tell that she was speaking the truth.
"At first, our family started out with simple gifts like telling the future or healing. Our family’s punishment was to forever live in the same house throughout generations, and when the first female was born she would bring death to all those she loved."
"Isn‘t that you?"
"No. I was adopted into the Estevez family but I fell in love with my step father's oldest son; your father. The night you were born your grandfather cried himself to death. He knew the curse all too well and it broke his heart."
"If I bring death to the ones I love then why is everything just now starting to surface? And your not dead?"
"That night your grandmother pleaded with the brutal God to release us from the curse. He said the only way he would do so is if you were locked in the dungeon until you either learned to master your powers or they killed you."
"Still why now?"
"Hush, I'm getting to it!.... It was not until we consulted a witch that we began to understand your powers. She sat down there with you and tested you. Each time you killed your companion you were brought farther into the dungeon. The witch, or as you would know her Auntie Val, provided us with a spell that would dilute your powers and make them more..... feasible. It required binding your blood with hers. By doing this your powers were no longer dominant."
"We used your Aunt's magick to shield you. Only then were you let out of the dungeon. By that time you were already four years old. Knowing that you would be protected at all times we decided that it was safe to send you to school. After your father died I couldn't stand to live in the house anymore, so I took advantage of your Aunt's protection and we moved to our current home."
I just sat there and soaked in the information. I wanted to believe that it was all a big joke, but I could see the seriousness written across my mother's face. I was a curse. An abomination. "The God said that we would forever be condemned to that house, and we have been away from it for a year now. Does Auntie's magick still protect us?"
"Hunny, your Aunt was murdered two days ago. I cannot protect you anymore, but I know a few witches who can, but we only have a limited time." Mom started driving again. I could see the hope in her eyes." Once your eyes turn completely blue, the magick is erased. The envelo-"
Just as we passed the stop sign a truck crashed into my mom's side of the car. I was forced to watched as my mother was crushed to death. The last person I loved was now dead, but I felt nothing. In the back of my mind I knew my curse would soon turn in my favor. He will pay!

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