Vanished | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

“I’m awake! But… where am I?” I wondered. The last thing I remember seeing was an explosion or some sort of accident. Looking around, it seemed no one has been in the hospital in a while. The lights were dim, and there weren’t any machines of any sort. There wasn’t any dust around, so someone must’ve came here recently.

“Where am I?” I wondered again, but I felt myself saying it out loud this time. Staring out at my surroundings, I saw a familiar looking red cross. “This must be a hospital,” I wondered.

I didn’t remember anything from any accident, but it could’ve been amnesia. Why is the lighting blue? Why am I here? Why isn’t anyone in the hospital? There are too many questions for my mind to process, so I had take it one step at a time. Those kinds of questions could’ve only been answered by one person: my doctor.

I rushed toward the clipboard that was in most hospitals I ever saw. The next few seconds felt unreal to me. As I rushed toward the edge of my bed, I tripped on the floor and fell. I began to brace for impact just as I was about to hit the ground. However, as I kept my eyes closed, nothing happened. Slowly, ever so slowly, I opened my eyes, only to see that I was floating.
“Woah…” I breathed. “This is amazing!” Thousands of new thoughts passed through my mind. Well, I couldn’t be on Earth anymore, where gravity was constant no matter where I went. My home must’ve been destroyed, otherwise I wouldn’t have been there.
I realized I didn’t have much time left. Time must’ve been slowly ticking somewhere, but obviously not there. There were no clocks in sight, and by the look of it, no form of energy. Much to my dismay, I peeked out the windows, only to see no sun. “I don’t see anything. What is this?” Then I remembered what I was supposed to be doing in the first place. There wasn’t any clipboard on the pod. At least, that’s I would’ve called it. It was directly attached to the ground. When I first got up, it felt very small and unfitting. As I looked at my pod again, I saw that it was different from all the other pods. There wasn’t any pressure chambers connected to it. All of the other pods had a small tank with the words PRESSURE CHAMBER. “Something must’ve broke,” I thought at the time. “But who brought me here in the first place?” Then I looked again. Mine was the only one with no covering on the top. No covering? How could I survived in that harsh environment?
“Yes!” I spotted something on the ground, a single sheet of paper. The words seemed very fuzzy to me, but it must’ve been my language. “Huh?” There wasn’t any information of use to me. Or that could’ve been of any use to me. On the bottom, the only thing I could identify was the phrase 500,000 AMPS.
“What are amps? Is this a form of currency?” My mind began to wander and search for any recognition of anything that could be of use. I felt a headache coming up, so I shook out the thoughts and began to try to find an exit, or at least some answers. So far, nothing of any use came up. Either way, I stuffed the paper into my back pocket and searched around for an answer.

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