Cyborg Dinosaurs | Teen Ink

Cyborg Dinosaurs

December 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Killer, cyborg dinosaurs were created when scientists decided that bringing dinosaurs back from extinction was a good idea. They found DNA of two triceratops, two tyrannosaurus-rex and one pterodactyl. The scientists soon learned that they could not fully recreate them. They decided to build mechanical parts that they could not make. The dinosaurs were implanted with an artificial computer based brain. The military realized that the dinosaurs would be make awesome killing machines. So the robots were modified to be weapons. They were equipped with armor, guns, and rockets.

A computer glitch in the brains of the robots caused them to become extremely violent, In the process of trying to fix the problem, the scientists programmed them to fix any damage and learn from what was used against it. Since they could not be stopped, the dinosaurs easily escaped from the government research facility and immediately headed for the nearest sprawling metropolitan area.

When they reached the city, they began wreaking havoc. They knocked down skyscrapers, kicked over overpasses and caused everyone to panic. The same military that created the beasts was called to try and stop the rampaging dinos. They military began feudal attempts to try and stop the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs quickly became tired of destroying so they flew to Europe to cause chaos in a foreign area.

While the dinosaurs were flying to Europe, the scientists learned that the best way was to fight the robotic beasts was to make more of them. Giant cyborg versions of the giant gorilla King Kong and the giant lizard Godzilla were quickly built. Once they were completed, the new robots were flown Europe.

Since King Kong and Godzilla had the size advantage, chased the dinosaurs to Paris, France where they had an epic battle. The dinosaurs had a new ability which was to combine to make a giant robotic monster. During the fight, Paris was slowly destroyed. Buildings everywhere were destroyed. King Kong and Godzilla were directed to keep the mega dinosaur away from the Louvre art museum. The ending of the fight was when King Kong picked up the mega dinosaur and threw him into the Eiffel Tower where Godzilla breathed fire all over it destroying it.

Since the fight was over, King Kong and Godzilla were destroyed using their self-destruct systems.
The End

The author's comments:
I thought it was a good idea at the time of writing.

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