Inside the Mind of a Monster | Teen Ink

Inside the Mind of a Monster

December 5, 2013
By SavChia BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
SavChia BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the guards warning people of how I, the devil’s son, crave human flesh. They are stating how I will do anything to taste the metallic tang of blood upon my tongue. As I am about to creep up onto the people to enjoy my fleshy feast, I wake up hungrier than ever. I smell the murkiness of the swamps around me and feel the humidity of the air upon my face. As I gather my thoughts, I realize that the rodents and frogs have not been satisfying my hunger. I am craving human flesh and desiring the saltiness of the sweat they produce when the see me approaching. As these thoughts are processing, I see that Herot is not far away so, I make my way over to the building. My anxiousness takes over when I hear the chanting of soldiers and people inside Herot. As I get closer and closer, I start the smell the lingering of alcohol. This continues up until I arrive at the door because, now I start to hear the snoring of the soldiers and guests. They look so helpless and vulnerable that I cannot wait to finally get my long awaiting feast. As I attack my first victim, I can barely hear the screams because I am indulged into my satisfied craving of the metallic tangy taste upon my tongue. I start to move through my victims faster as I constantly hear the crackling of bones rights before I eat the guests’ warm bodied flesh. When I was finally finished with my feast, I, the almighty spawn of all things evil, fall asleep among all the carnage and remains. As I fell back asleep, my dream continued with the feeling of uneasiness from Hrothgar, who knew that I know had all the control over his beloved building, Herot.

Twelve years have passed and I am stoked that I am still the boss around here. Herot has been empty for all twelve years, but I know have the title of the deadliest creature with the biggest killing streak. Although I should feel regret, all I can feel is pride for the accomplishment I made twelve years ago. Since I was kicked out of heaven by God years ago, I consider myself God’s biggest rival. I start to hear rumors of God’s major ally coming to put an end to me. My blood starts to pump harder through my veins and my senses triple in quality. This so called ally of God will be destroyed my me with ease, and everyone will know that there will be no one who can ever beat, or even compare to me. I will not lie; therefore, I was shocked when I arrived at Herot to find armed soldiers guarding all entrances. My hunger got ahold of me and I devoured the first man to gain the courage to even come near me. As I approached my next victim, he woke up and began to fight for his life. At that instant, I felt the nerves kick in and my mind was telling me this must be the man referred to as God’s ally. I hear the soldiers cheering for the man by the name of Beowulf. After several minutes of fighting I hear the loudest rip and hear the thump of my arm hit the ground. I realize that my arm had been ripped out of its socket and that I would never win this battle. I fled from Herot back into the foggy air, never to be seen again to defend my authority. There would be no one else to cause harm to the Geats again, or would there?

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