Delvar: Prologue | Teen Ink

Delvar: Prologue

December 10, 2013
By Joshua Hong BRONZE, Cupertino, CA, California
Joshua Hong BRONZE, Cupertino, CA, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the beginning the void blanketed the four corners of the world. Out of the nothingness emerged the four elemental kingdoms : fire, water, earth, and wind residing in the realm of Delvar. The great city of Morgul Devalis stood at the center of the realm. Then twelve heavenly beings called the Zephlors came into existence from the dust of creation. Made to rule over the realm, Four were made to rule over the elements of fire, water, earth and wind. Four became the heroes that walk among mortals. Two controlled the powers of life and death. But 2 were corrupted from the black dust of the void, thus they control the corruptions. The masters of elements were named Firesendia, Lidiaqua, Stonelis, and Aruludia. Firesendia, a humanoid spirit of fire, ruled the land of fire controlling the blaze and warmth. Oceans, waves, and fish were controlled by queen of the sea, Lidiaqua. Stonelis, miner of great gems and mover of mountains, held dominion over stone. Aruludia, maiden of the breeze, held lordship over the north, south, west, and east winds. Beolern, the great hunter, Jadiri, the steadfast sailor, Hafiad, the cultivator of lands, and Trosashi, the creative builder walked among the mortals of Delvar. Then the primordial beings fashioned the golems out of fire, water, and stone. Walking among them in Devalis, they learned the arts of magic and sorcery.Tending to the lands beyond the city, they spreading peace and prosperity. The fruitfulness of these plains masked the darkness in the east. Degeneril and Coslemen, lords of chaos, grew in power as more and more mortals fell under the sphere of influence. The east grew restless as a shadow descended upon the land. Men of the land spoke of a creature in the night, ever watching for a chance to strike. The land was placed under a curse, a terrible spell that rocked and shook the foundations of the earth. Out of the carnage a mountain rose out of the stone, a mountain that spewed lava and eradicated all life around it. Around the mountain, the land sunk into the sea, separating it from the mainland. The island was named Malabitla. Out of the manifestation of evil came thousands on thousands of the servants of corruption with one goal set in their mind, total annihilation of the realm. The Zephlors took notice of the act of war and tried to rally up the golems, but the deed had been done. The dragons, the high commanders of the army, and their minions lay waste to the east. As they marched upon Morgul Devalis, the Zephlors gathered the golems and prepared for war. The battle was called “The battle of the plains of Devalis” and it lasted for days. At last the dragons were routed as they tried to salvage their remaining army but it came at a dreadful cost. The plains around the city were torched, frozen, and torched again until all that remained was the bare earth and the bodies of those who had fallen. The golems that lived through the onslaught were devastated as their numbers were more than halved. Then the four elemental Zephlors, strategized a plan to lay siege to the island of Malabitla while Degeneril prepared for the second assault. Then many small skirmishes happened in the east between small groups of men and orcs. The south was covered in darkness as the corruption slowly destroyed the people from the inside, driving them insane. The mountain of Malabitla shot lava and stone at the defenders of Morgul Devalis as the men in the east were slowly driven back. Then on the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, the Zephlors drove the enemies back. Firesendia and Stonelis forged swords from livingmetal and constructed machines that performed wonders like spitting fire and metal. Metal worships made from the forges of Stonelis and blessed by the winds of Aruludia were made to fly to the island. The ships sailed to the island in the morning, at the first caw of the rooster. They flew swiftly and quietly, descending upon the island. The guards were oblivious to the ships as they silently descended on the island. The alarmed monsters saw the intruders and tried to fight, but the might if the Zephlors overpowered them all. Stonelis wielded a broadsword of myril, Naladil. Aruludia fired arrows with the aim of a hawk while shielded by a barrier of air. Firsendia summoned the spirits of the flame and shot fireballs. Lidiaqua used tidal waves to stop the volcano from erupting and incinerating everyone. The short and swift fight end before midday and the island was taken. Degeneril was caught but Coslemen was still in the volcano fighting waves and waves of troops single handily. Coslemen had set the last act in the war, the volcano was erupting all of the darkness within it to spread it out onto the realm. The volcano s,ealed with metal and water, was not enough to stop the event. The Zephlor fled the island but many of the troops were still in the volcano when it exploded in a flash of red, black, and grey. Coslemen’s material body was consumed in the blast but his spirit lingered on. What remained of the island was all sunken beneath the waves as the island collapsed into the sea. Thus the first war between the Zephlors was ended but the toll had been catastrophic. The realm was barren and devoid of life when the creation sparked a new figure, Zephos, the king of the Zephlor, lord of the trees and the grass. The land was healed by the efforts of Zephos, and the other Zephlor. The land, restored by the Zephlor, was repopulated and all was peaceful. But the spirit of Coslemen lives on, in other men as the corrupted Zephlor manipulates his subjects.

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