Lollipop Kingdom | Teen Ink

Lollipop Kingdom

January 13, 2014
By Levi Friley BRONZE, San Diego, California
Levi Friley BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lollipop Kingdom was a wondrous location, filled with joy and smiles for miles! The citizens happily danced on the chocolate streets and marshmallow sidewalks, with a grin plastered across their face, vividly expressing the joys that the Kingdom brang! Some would say that the Lollipop Kingdom is truly heaven, as long as its citizens stay far away from the lonely Birch Tree East of Sunshine Avenue. The Lollipop King made it incredibly clear to his citizens, that in order to preserve the joy and happiness of the Kingdom, the Birch Tree must remain secluded from the general populace forever. It was what the King wanted, and to disobey the wise and elderly King defiantly would lead to disorder, and disorder does not lead to happiness! Old Jacob Jellybeans, purple, large and filled with thought,

fully expressed his feelings on how unjustly the Kingdom was run, and wildly accused the sweet Lollipop King of being a dictator! These of course are the actions of one who wants to bring misconduct amongst the Lollipop Kingdom citizens, and therefore it was no surprise that Old Jacob Jellybeans foolishly paid a visit to the Birch Tree, only to never return! If only he had listened to the wise Lollipop King. Little Timmy Gumdrop, once a sweet young lad before being plagued by the burdensome ideals of creativity and self-thought, carelessly defied the King’s command and paid a visit to the secluded Birch Tree. It was not sugarplumbs and pixie dust for young Timmy after that, for he never returned from the trip! Little Timmy Gumdrop’s mother, Jenny Gumdrop, violently cried day in and day out, and brought sadness upon the Kingdom. Unfortunately for Jenny Gumdrop, she had forgotten that emotions other than joy and happiness were against the rules! To no surprise, Jenny went to find her son at the Birch Tree, and never returned to her Coco home. The Kingdom continued it joyfulness and continued to merrily go about their day! Because in Lollipop Kingdom, every day is a great day! That is, if one stays away from the Birch Tree. And if one ever finds themselves near the Birch Tree, ignore the foul stench and familiar cries, it is simply your demons viciously manipulating your emotions. The King suggests to up the dose of your required medicine intake if such a problem occurs. Your demons shall be triumphantly vanquished and your spirits free to express joy and happiness only!

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on Jan. 17 2014 at 10:39 am
Dr.FeelGood GOLD, Allemen, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"is oxygen a gas?" brought to us by my friend the blonde.

oh my gosh what happened where did they go?!