Hot Dog Man | Teen Ink

Hot Dog Man

January 15, 2014
By Anonymous

There is a mysterious creature that lurks about the shadows on halloween night. A living nightmare some call it. Legends and ancient hieroglyphics say it resembles a fierce evil hot dog. None have yet to see this creature, or lived to tell anyone about it, until now...

Entry 1: 2008, October 31, ~4:02-4:12

Kyle and Michael were walking around their neighborhood, scouting out the houses that have the best candy. Officers would roll up and say, “what are you fellas out doin’ so early?” Thats when the chase began.

Entry 2: 2008, October 31, ~4:16-4:22

Kyle and Michael had been running for probably one minute now, they knew there were hundreds of police officers searching for them in the woods. They just prayed they could stay hidden until it was night time and dark. They had an excellent hiding spot, it was a clearing in the midst of a bunch of thick bushes. They shared that spot with another person. They didn’t know who it was, or anything about them except for one thing. He or she loved eating hot dogs. There were posters and scraps and even untouched hot dogs all over the place. It was like the animals were afraid, or confused, or not even there.

Entry 3: 2008, October 31, ~4:38-5:30

Police were near, Kyle and Michael heard them talking about what smelled like hot dogs. They were terrified, they knew if the police caught them they would be grounded for at least a week. Then the ground trembled for what felt like merely seconds. Then all was quiet. There was no more talk of the hot dog smell. Kyle crawled through a small hole in the bushes, and peeked around. Not a person was to be seen. Only more hot dogs…

Entry 4: 2008, October 31, ~5:32-6:09

Kyle and Michael slowly crawled out of the bush together. It was as dark as something very dark. Everywhere they looked all they saw were hot dogs. None of this added up, none of it made any sense. Unless, the rumors were true. The hot dog man was real…

Entry 5: 2008, October 31, ~6:15-7:21

Kyle and Michael ran as fast as they could towards their homes. They saw lights far off in the distance, that is the direction they were headed. They ran in utter silence, in fear of their lives. They were very close to the edge of the woods, where they would be free from the hot dog man. Then he was there.

Entry 6/Last documented Entry: 2008, October 31, ~7:30-8:30

Kyle and Michael were face to face with a man in a hotdog costume. He was filthy, and reeked of hot dog water. The man held a small wooden stick, at the end was a hot dog that glowed bright yellow. The strange man raised his wand and yelled, “YOU ARE TO BE EATEN BY MY MOUTH!!!”

The Hot Dog Man

The hot dog man is a man, who dresses up like a giant hot dog. With a quick shout, and a wave of his wand, he can turn any being into a hotdog, in which he will collect or eat.

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