Slayer or Slayed | Teen Ink

Slayer or Slayed

January 17, 2014
By Pierced_Siren BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pierced_Siren BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. -Ingrid Bergman

This was supposed to be like any other night. My father, my brother Issac and I were supposed
to be at the shooting range, practicing. But know on this fall night my father decided to take us
out to an open field, you could smell the dew on the ground. I’ve seen him; my brother and even
my mother kill a vampire before. Mom died when I was five, rouge werewolf on our camp site.
She was on the job with us and she took it with her… But she ended up leaving me and my
brother on our own for three days. I held her dying body that kind of stuff would mess up any
normal kid but growing up we, me and Issac had to expect something like that would happen.
Dad was torn apart when he came to get us from the forest ranger station.

But like I said I’ve seen them kill and from what I knew they haven’t been tracking anyone. I
looked out at the open field, fog was covering the ground so it would be hard to see anything out
here. The full moon made it just a little bit easier, just a little. “Dad what are we doing out here?”
I asked peeling off my leather jacket. He and Issac grinned at me before he spoke, “Today you
graduate. We’re here for your first kill.” Issac handed me a card, I could make out my bright red
hair and the words, Identification Card; Quinn Harper Age 21and I reside in Seattle Washington.
I grinned at them. That wasn’t me, My name is actually Valentina Del’Mar and I’m 18 years old.
I have blood red hair and icy blue eyes.

“Okay then let’s do this.” I said grinning and slipped the ID in my wallet. “Oh no, this is all you
Quinn.” Dad said pulling out a folding chair and a beer. “Yeah scream if you need help. Oh and
try not to get killed.” Issac said sitting next to our dad and pulled out his gun and started to polish
it. I stuck my tongue out at him, “Whatever. I totally got this.” Or at least I thought I did. I was
so not prepared for the events of that night.

I walked through the fog vigilant of my surroundings and then I heard it, the bloody murmur of
a baa, coming from a sheep and the sucking noise. I took a deep breath and raised my gun and
slowly clicked off the safety. I thought my father had sent me on a silly ghost chase but there was
one here. I moved towards it carefully and watched it’s back hunched over its meal. Long black
hair tied back. It stopped moving as I stepped closer. “I can hear your heart beating faster with
every step you take. I can’t decide if you’re excited or scared.” he said in a smooth silky voice.
But something about this was off, I knew this voice… Really knew it. He used it on me when
we’re on the phone or on a date. “Turn around!” I said as my heart beat picked up. He stood up
slowly and turned to me a sad look on his face, I practically dropped my gun.

It took me a few seconds to speak, “Ja- Jason?” He tried to take a step towards me and I
stopped him with the gun pressed to his chest. Tears threatened my eyes, “Don’t move, they’re
wooden bullets.” My mind was trying to wrap itself around the situation. If Jason was one of
them then how was he able to walk in the sun. “Babe… I’m a daywalker. Noble blood, a born
vampire, Prince of the dark ones-“I pressed the gun into his chest a little harder. That made
things even harder, he was the Prince and he could walk in the day. How many of them could do
that how many were friends and lovers? And feeding off of these people? S***. “And I love you.”
He said in a strained voice. My eyes flickered up to his, “How do I know I can trust you?” “Babe
you’ve known me for three years. And we both don’t know everything about each other… Or we
didn’t. But in all those years I never did anything less than human. I even ate with you because I
can do that. Not all of us are the same.” He said, the voice he was using was him pleading with
me. “You just want to keep your life.” I said looking up at him. “Yes I do but not for me. For you,
for my life with you. Valentina I’ve grown with you. I do everything you do, except I need life
force. Yes human blood is stronger but we can take from animals. I do, because I feel like I’ll
betray you if I drink from a human.” I lowered my gun looking up at his glowing sea green eyes
and took a deep breath, “Go. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He smiled a fanged smile and retracted his
fangs. He pecked my cheek and transformed into a raven and flew off. Now that I thought about
it, his mouth was clean; he was a neat eater even as a vampire.

I looked down at the sheep he had been feeding on and shot the puncture mark on its neck. I
grabbed its leg and dragged it back to my father. Issac saw me first and started laughing, “Well
some farmer is going to be pissed that his sheep is missing.” I glared at him, “Shut up. You two
sent me on a wild goose chase.” Dad chuckled and patted my curly red hair, “Sorry sweetie at
least you killed something. Issac had been paranoid the whole time and shot the tire to our car.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. But I also knew that I hadn’t killed that sheep. I let my prey get
away. And if dad found out he’d raise seven hells to get to Jason. I was in some deep s*** and it
was getting deeper by the minute. Dad interrupted my thoughts by taking the sheep from my
hand and putting it in the back of his Chevrolet Silverado. I gave a soft sigh and walked to the
door. I opened the back door and stepped inside. I just wanted to be home already. Me and my
punching bag, we have a date.

We pulled up to the house about an hour later and my body immediately relaxed. It was good to
be home, we live in a big cabin house that my dad had made when Issac was born. We live at
the edge of town near the creak in Warminster Pa. All the houses are fairly spaced out and no
one is ever in your business. The kids are never home because they’re in clubs or at the mall or
have jobs… Yup, pretty boring.

I stepped out the car as quick as I could taking my five guys burger bag with me and going into
my room. I opened the window to my room and changed my clothes quick. I set up my
punching bag and threw a few punches at it. I did this until I was drenched in sweat. “If you
don’t eat your burger is going to get soggy.” My brother called from the door as he entered. I
sighed and wiped my face on a towel before dropping on my chair and opening the bag. “What
happened?” He asked. Leave it to Issac to know that something was up. I looked up at him, “I
call secrecy.” He frowned and knew for a fact he couldn’t say a word to dad. We’ve done this
since mom died. I made him swear not to tell dad I held mom as she died. He closed my door
and moved closer to me. “Alright so what is it? It can’t be that bad.” He said looking down at me
and told him.

Issac’s face was grim and he walked out. “Issac! Issac! You swore!” I called as I ran after him.
He was already in front of dad who was looking at me. His face was as red as could be, “WHAT
DID YOU DO?” The fear that ran through my body could almost make me buckle. “I let him
go.” I said in the most even tone that I could muster. “Did he bewitch you? Is that what it
was?” my dad asked or more like hoped. I shook my head. “That bastard is dead. A daywalker!
This is beyond bad.” I knew he would say something like that. A balled my fist up and met him
in his eyes, “If I had to choose between you and him dad, I am going to pick him. He had many
chance to hurt me. He didn’t so I know he’s not bad.” Issac and my father frowned. “Issac lock her in the attic.” My father said in a distant tone. I looked at Issac who was looking at my father
like he was mad. “Do it.” He said more forcefully.

Issac walked towards me and when he got close enough I flipped him and grabbed the keys to
his bike. I knew I wasn’t going to get the door opened fast enough so I crashed through the
window. I could feel the glass biting into my skin as I did this. But I couldn’t stop, I moved with
my adrenaline and got on the bike and started just as my father was closing in on me.

I drove to what I believed was Jason’s house and he was outside his gate waiting for me. A look
of worry crossed his face. Worry, not hunger. That’s how I knew he was here for me and not my
blood. “Valentina… Are you okay?” He asked as he helped me off the bike. I nodded and
wrapped my arms around him, “I choose you. I choose you over them.” He stroked my hair and
that made me break into a sob, “Welcome to the family.” His words were solemn, I know he
wanted them to be happy words for me but for me who is leaving behind my already
broken family. It’s hard, I know I’m dead to them but I will never truly be dead.

After that night I never saw my father again. Jason and I moved to Seattle for real, to start a kiss.
Some weird Witch Doctor made me a vampire, not the dead kind; the kind that can have kids and
live forever looking only 25. It’s been four year since then, I’m 22 with three kids. The next heirs
to the throne. I still talk to Issac he’s left our father as well and actual has a girlfriend who’s a
werewolf and he’s in medical school. Imagine that. But me I’m just happy we’re safe. But I
know one day he’ll look for me and I will be waiting for Vincent Del’Mar. To put him at peace
with my mother.

The author's comments:
I had to do this for a school assignment on fiction and I'm big on the fantasy. This story is my most prized work for the class. I even had to make it into a multimedia project.

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