zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

zombie Apocalypse

January 27, 2014
By tomato28 BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
tomato28 BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm spring day, Jacob awoke from being knocked unconscious. As he stumbled out of his car (or what was left of it anyway) he stood up and had to lean on the wreckage to keep his balance. He looked around to see what had happened more clearly. As he turned around he saw his house. He started limping home to call the police. As he approached his home he picked up his cell phone and had 13 missed calls from his brother Mark, there was a voicemail. “Jake, its me Mark. I know we haven’t spoken in a while but are you okay? Theres something going on in the city, people are going crazy chasing men, women and children around. And if they got caught..... They got eaten. But if you get a chance man call me back i love you bro.” The message ended. Jacob hurried to call his brother. He waited and waited for his brother to pick up but he never answered. Then as he was about to call again he heard a noise coming from the kitchen. By now he had recovered most of his strength. He walked into the kitchen, he leaned against the wall and peaked around the corner. His heart was racing, a million things were going through his mind. Was what his brother said true? Was one of those people in his house? He peered around the corner and it was just his dog Rusty. He sighed in relief as he walked up to pet Rusty. “Well lets go see what’s on T.V huh Rusty?” Rusty came walking along with Jacob. Jacob sat down and turned on the T.V. “This is a national message from the president of the United States of America.” “My fellow Americans I regret to inform you that there has been some sort of outbreak in the city of Council Bluffs, Iowa. But there is no need to worry the military has been sent there and is taking care of the problem.” The message played again, and again, and again. Jacob started to think maybe his brother wasn’t full of crap, maybe he was right. Should I evacuate the city? In the middle of his thoughts, Jacob heard a gunshot. He looked out the window to see what was going on. His neighbor Caleb was shooting out the window of his car. Jacob went to open the door to get Caleb. Caleb sped off in his car and hit something. Jacob stepped out of his house to see what all that was about. There was a man, laying on the ground. Jacob picked him up and took him to his house. Jacob laid him in his bedroom on his bed. Jacob tried calling the police, no answer. He called them over and over again with no answer. The house was quiet, then all the sudden he heard footsteps. “Hello?” Jacob called out. There was no response. “Helloooooo?” Still nothing. Jacob grabbed a aluminum baseball bat from the corner of the living room he had. It was in the living room because him and Caleb went and played baseball yesterday, He tensed up and started walking up the stairs. He opened the bedroom door where he laid the stranger down. He wasn’t there. “Hey, where are you?” Jacob cried out in a panicky tone. “Maybe he went downstairs.” Jacob muttered under his breath. He turned to walk out of the room and walk downstairs. Jacob turned around, the stranger was standing in the doorway. “Oh, there you are.” He said. The stranger said nothing, and just stared at Jacob. “This is really odd”, Jacob though. “Are you okay guy?” he asked. The man charge at Jacob. In the blink of an eye Jacob swung the bat as hard as he could. He opened his eyes, the stranger was on the floor laying in a pool of his own blood. Jacob started to worry. He knew what was going on now it was a Zombie Apocalypse. He started to remember all those late nights playing zombie games. “I’ve got to find food and weapons in order to survive."
If there’s one thing I know about zombies, it’s that they’re slow and stupid. But there’s not always safety in numbers, and safety won’t last forever. “I’ve got to get out of here.” Jacob said. He walked outside of his home and was almost blinded by the sunlight. As he stood outside of his home, he thought where should I go? What do I bring? He packed up some canned food he had in his cupboard into his old baseball bag. He picked up his bat and was on his way. He started off going house to house looking for supplies but all he saw were mangled pieces of people he had once called friends. He gathered what he could and was stepping out the door. Something didn’t feel right ,he thought. He grabbed an old shirt he had found in one of his dresser drawers and laid it over what remained of his old friend. Jacob couldn’t believe what was happening and how it all happened so fast. He thought back to the time where him and his brother were kids. Their father had a drinking problem which led to Jacob becoming an alcoholic not to long ago before his brother took him to rehab. He started talking to himself as he realized he might be the only person left. “Back when I was a kid my father got really drunk this one night”. He came home from the bar smelling of liquor and cigars. “I had knocked over a vase earlier that day and broken it to pieces. My mother told me it was no big deal, that everything was fine. It wasn’t, when my father found out about it he came to my room, his face was as red as my favorite toy firetruck. I could tell he was drunk by the way he walked into my room.” “You little s***! Do you think it’s funny to break stuff that doesn’t belong to you?!” As he got ready to hit me my brother came in the room and tried convincing my dad he had done it. He beat my brother very badly, then he still beat me anyways. My mother came in and tried to stop him. He punched her in the face and then stormed out of the house, I never saw him after that. Jacob stood up, grabbed his things and closed the door behind him. Whipping the tears from his eyes he looked toward what was left of the city. Jacob went to his garage and started up his old dirtbike. He rode off to the nearest gas station. S*** I’m running low I knew I should have filled up a couple days ago! He thought to himself. As he approached the gas station he shut his bike off so he wouldn’t draw attention to himself. He parked his bike a few blocks away in an old garage him and his buddies would hang out. As he approached the gas station he heard a noise coming from inside. Not wanting to get bit, he looked for a solution. He saw a bell by the entrance where the door used to be. He tapped it with his baseball bat, hid and waited for a response. As he peered into the darkness of the building he couldn’t see anything, when suddenly he heard a noise from behind. There was a zombie standing six feet in front of him. Jacob was shocked and terrified. He couldn’t move, so many thoughts raced through his head but he knew there was only one thing to do. He raised his bat above his head and swung it as hard as he could, then again and again. Finally he opened his eyes to see the zombie on the floor with his brains falling out of his head and the blood pooling around him. He sighed and stopped for a second to take it all in. It slipped his mind that he just rang the bell at the doorway and sat down for a second. When all of the sudden there was a sharp pain on his right hand. He looked fearing he had been bit. “Oh f***!, I set my hand in some broken glass.” Jacob said as if talking to the dead zombie. The gas station was empty. He walked inside and started taking all the canned goods he could. He also took all the candy and gum he could find. Jacob went behind the counter to look for a first aid kit for his now heavily bleeding hand. He saw a little red box under the counter. He grabbed the kit and opened it up. He grabbed the gauze and started to wrap his wound. As he looked under the counter again he saw a pistol with two clips of ammo next to it and box of shells for a shotgun. He took the pistol and all the ammo. There has to be a shotgun around here somewhere if he has the shells under the counter Jacob thought. He searched everywhere he could,to find the shotgun. He thought maybe it’s in the back room where they keep other supplies. As he went to the back room he opened the door and found shelves full of typical things you would find in a back room. He looked around some more and said WOW THATS A LOW PRICE then proceeded to turn the knob and it wouldn’t turn so he tried forcing it and he knocked over the machine. As he watched all the gumballs spread across the floor he noticed all the gumballs went to one spot in the room. He thought this was odd and moved towards it and started moving the gumballs out of the way and pulled up a loose floorboard and that revealed the shotgun he also found a old bottle of scotch. He started making his way back to his motorcycle and in the very distant of the city he heard an explosion....

Zoey woke up on monday and drug herself out of bed because she knew she was going to have a long day. She had to get enough food from the local wal-mart to get her through the week. She has gone to this wal-mart enough since the apocalypse started to know where everything is. She drove to the store and when she got there she noticed the doors were already open. She went inside a little concerned and nervous. As she made her way towards the cereal aisle she saw them. There was a huge hoard of zombies. She was so scared that she dropped a can of soup and it slowly and loudly rolled across the floor and suddenly all the zombies attention was on her. She darted towards the exit and it was blocked by more of them. She started panicking and didn’t know to do. She decided to start running around the edges of the building hoping to find an emergency exit. After what felt like 10 minutes of running and dodging around zombies she finally found a door and immediately burst through it. She felt the fresh air as she fell to the ground. She stood up and saw that they were coming towards her and she pulled out her pistol and shot three shots. The first shot hit one zombie, the second missed and went into a poster of a guy, and third shot hit the gas line and triggered a huge explosion. She was hurled into the alley and stayed on the ground for a minute to catch her breath. She stood up and about a block away was her tiny green smart car that looked like the wind could tip it over. She started moving towards her car, taking her time since the explosion killed all the zombies. She got into her car and started driving back to her safe house. On the way to her safe house she had seen the local petco. She decided to drop in and get some food for the stray dog that had been following her lately. She parked her car outside and slowly went inside. She knocked on the door and yelled “Anyone in here?”. There was no answer so she slowly made her way inside. It was very dark and every noise echoed through the store. She pulled out her flashlight and made her way to dog food section. She noticed and a laser pointer and thought “ maybe i can some how attach this to my gun to make a laser”. So she put it in her bag and continued towards the dog food. She decided which bag she was getting and grabbed it and as she pulled it off the shelf it ripped open and spilled everywhere. She didn’t dare move a muscle as the loud sound of dog food hit the floor. She stood still for a few more seconds and didn’t hear anything else so she grabbed another bag and made her way out of the store quickly. She got outside and put the bag of dog food in her passenger side seat and as she was setting the food down, the laser pointer fell out of her bag and under the seat. She tried to grab it but she couldn't reach it. She got down and on her knees and tried harder to reach for it. She finally got it but when she got up there was a zombie right behind her so she jumped in her car slammed the door just in time to avoid being bit. She decided that was too many close calls in one day and went back to her safe house. She went to her house which was a farm just outside the outskirt of town. She got home and put out some food for her now dog since he decided to stay at her house. She then put out a radio transmission like she does every day to see if anyone is still alive. After she did that she went and set the traps and went to sleep and layed in bed all night waiting for her next day to begin.

The author's comments:
this started out as my friends free time project then turned into this for a school project

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This article has 1 comment.

Fusionspawn said...
on Feb. 4 2014 at 9:08 pm
Nice story tomato