The Mohawk | Teen Ink

The Mohawk

February 20, 2014
By Raphael Schapiro BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Raphael Schapiro BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walked inside, and the fresh warm air hit me in the face. I walked over to where the menu was plastered on the wall, like I always did at restaurants. I glanced over the menu, seeing if there were any new feature items. The new Rosemary Chicken Sandwich looked great. It was $3.00. Boy, I swear these sandwiches are getting more expensive every day. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out a 5. I walked over to where the line was, already growing by the minute.
I accidently bumped into an old woman, who was standing with whom I guessed, was her grandson.
“Oops,” I exclaimed. “I am sorry ma’am.”

“Oh, it’s all right,” She smiled.
I continued standing in line for about a minute when it was my turn.
“What would you like to order today?” The woman asked cheerfully.
“Um, can I please have the 20 Piece Chicken Nuggets, please?” I asked the employee.
“Sure, that would be $1:50,” she said, while I handed her 2 dollar bills.
“You can keep the change,” I said. The lady told me my number was thirty five, and when my number showed up on the screen, my food would be ready. I didn’t really feel like standing up for that long, so I just sat on a chair, and waited for my number to appear on the screen.
21, 22, 23, 24, 24… Finally it was my number, and I walked up to the counter and grabbed my food. I brought it over to a booth near the back of the restaurant, and sat down. I suddenly realized that there was food smeared on the table. The waitresses haven’t cleaned it yet. I walked to the booth next to it, and sat down. The food was still hot, so I half blew on it, and half waved at it to cool the nuggets down.
Finally, they were cool enough to eat, and I bit into one. Then, a waitress walked over to the booth I was sitting at, holding a mini container filled with fries.
“Here, sir. You forgot your fries,” she handed me them, and then walked away to help some other customer get their food. I must’ve not seen the fries next to the tray when I got it.
Being the growing teenager that I am, I finished all 20 chicken nuggets in about 5 minutes. I then started on the fries, finishing them too.
I just sat there, sipping my water, thinking about what I was going to do next. Should I get a job? No, I would need schooling first, on this planet. And I am pretty sure any places that are hiring would not believe me that I had gotten accepted to one of the best colleges in my hometown, in Melachenesia. I reached into my pocket, to get a tissue, because my nose was runny. I felt around, and my hand came across something that felt like a piece of normal printer paper. I pulled it out, realizing it was a letter, addressed to my name.
Dear Leno,
I wrote this letter, because I got a telepathic communication, that told me I was going to die. I don’t really know how to control my telepathic powers yet, so I am not sure if it was true, or just my powers tricking my brain. It didn’t reveal how my death would come upon me, and the speaker was also not revealed. All I wanted to say was I am sorry for in the short time we knew each other, for being such a jerk. I know you told me to work on my “anger problems”, and actually, I have. All I have to say is, good luck on Earth, and stay out of trouble.
Best wishes, your friend, Tindo
I decided, right now, I wasn’t going to be mad at Tindo. I would just do what he said to do. I would try my best to have a great life on earth, and try my hardest to stay out of trouble. And, believe me; I am not going to the zoo for a while. I am really glad I found this letter, just to know that Tindo had taken my advice, to be nicer to people. I know it is a lot to ask, but it really makes people’s live a lot better.

The author's comments:
This is an excerpt from a novel i wrote in a 7 week time period.

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