The End | Teen Ink

The End

April 4, 2014
By Anonymous

I woke up that morning ready to have a great day, but something didn’t feel right. So just to make sure I slowly walked to my window lifted up the blinds and peered out. Looking left and right and there was nothing, but then out of nowhere there was the loudest explosion that almost made me deaf. I fell back into my bed trying to control my hearing.

I quickly stood up and ran. There was no sign of my mom or dad. I started to get worried and scared. I approached my parents’ bedroom door. I slowly and quietly opened the door only to see my mom devouring my dad’s guts. I tried not to puke.
I whispered, “Mom?”

Then she paused for a second and slowly turned around. The look on her face was disturbing. She screamed stood up and started chasing me. I immediately ran for the kitchen to get a knife. As I grabbed it she grabbed both of my shoulders and yanked me to the ground. Falling and dropping the knife I crawled quickly to it, but my mom tried to bite my ankle so I just kicked her in the face. That’s when I took the knife and stabbed her right through her left eye. As I stabbed her she fell to the ground and quickly there was blood all over the kitchen floor.

After that I heard heavy breathing. The only thought that I had was my dad. Quickly running to my parents’ room I fell to the ground with my dad and that’s when it happened. All of a sudden his eye color turned from brown to red in the split of a second. Panicking I stomped on his head and that was it, he was dead.

I was confused and upset. Then the strangest thing happened there was a knock at my front door. I panicked so I ran to my room to grab a baseball bat. Unlocking the door slowly also taking the biggest gulp of my life I finally opened door only to have my best friend Reese run into my house. I shut the door and locked it. Reese was still on the ground. He rolled over and his whole shirt was covered in blood. I looked at him and threw up. Reese stood up and walked towards me.

“Hey Andrew where are your parents?” He asked.

I responded, “They’re both dead man I killed them.”

Reese just put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Sorry.”

“Dude what’s going on,” I asked.

All Reese said was “I don’t know.”

We walked to the couch and sat down trying to figure out what to do. It felt like we were just sitting there forever trying to ignore all the explosions and screaming coming from outside then finally Reese said

“I got it how about we pack up food, water, and weapons and take your expedition.”

I thought about it for a minute, but finally responded with,

“I like it let’s do it!!!!!!!”

So as we were packing up supplies I started having flashbacks and memories that I had with my family. I was sad and upset, but I knew I had to leave. We had all the supplies packed up in big duffle bags. We raided my kitchen and pantry of everything and don’t even ask about the water there was none left and the guns we found in my attic because my dad was ex- military and he always felt safer with guns in the house. We had everything, but the only problem was getting to the car.

There were at least 50 to 100 zombies outside. Reese and I looked at each other we shrugged our shoulders and decided to make a run for it. We grabbed the bags opened the door and made a run for the car. Struggling Reese accidentally pressed the alarm button on the car keys and all of a sudden the alarm went off and of course that drew attention from the undead. He shut it off, but not before all the zombies started running towards us. He opened up the car and we threw all the duffle bags in the back seat. I hopped in the passenger’s seat and put on my seat belt waiting for Reese. He came in and locked all the doors. He started up the engine put the car in reverse and then in drive and we left. My mind was all tied up in knots. I was pretty sure that all my friends and family were dead it’s just Reese and I now. We were headed for Corpus Christi because me and my family have a condo there by the beach so I figured that it would be safe.

Reese and I were on I-35 in Austin, Texas when we ran into some trouble. There were crashed cars all over the highway surrounded with 100 zombies. I just slouched back in my seat.
Reese said, “Andrew grab some of the guns.”

All I did was stare at him. Thinking I was like what is he insane, but then again we don’t have a choice.

I hopped into the back of the expedition opened up the duffle bags and got out 2 AK-47’s. I was ready, but nervous. Reese and I decided to stay as close to the car as possible just in case we ran out of ammo. As soon as we opened up the doors Reese whistled as loud as he could and the zombies looked up and sprinted right for us.

I was firing like there was no tomorrow. The only bad thing about doing that was I ran out of ammo, but luckily I shot and killed so many that I had time to reload. I reloaded looked around and I didn’t see anymore. I think I killed a good 50 zombies. But Reese stopped shooting his gun and he didn’t say anything so I thought something happened to him.

Just to make sure I walked around the front of the expedition only to see the most horrific thing ever. Reese was on the ground only with a zombie eating and tearing him apart. I kicked the zombie off of him and shot it in the head. I ran over to Reese and got on the ground.
I said, “Reese are you okay?”
He shockingly, but responded with,

“Yeah I feel great.”

I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He knew he wasn’t going to make it, but he had a positive attitude about it. It was terrible his stomach was ripped open and there was just blood everywhere surrounded with 50 dead corpses.

He softly whispered to me, “Andrew get to Corpus Christi to be safe.”

I said, “Okay I promise.”

That’s when he said,

“Take my chain with the cross on it and always wear it because God will always be with you.”

I responded, “Okay I will.”

Before I left I said, “Rest in peace.”

That was it his head fell back and his eyes were shut. He was dead and I knew it. To help out my friend I stood up aimed the gun at his head and waited until he woke up. It took about 2 minutes until he finally woke up.

I said, “Reese!!”

He stared at me and that’s when I shot him in the head. I took his gun and put it in the car along with mine. Shutting the car door I started up the engine put the car in drive and drove off. Well this sucks I just lost my best friend since I was 5 years old I also lost both my parents I’m now a lone wolf just trying to survive and just trying to get to Corpus Christi. As I looked off into the sunset I had to face the facts that this was THE END.

The author's comments:
Well horror movies is in my vocabulary so that's why I wrote this piece.

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