Nightmare | Teen Ink


April 30, 2014
By shroom BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
shroom BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I awoke to brief flashes of lightning and strong winds shaking the house. The trees scratched against one another like finger nails on a chalkboard. Scared out of my mind, I decided to see if my parents were still awake. As crept downstairs, I saw what appeared to be a tall black figure. Before I could scream my front door blew off its hinges. Mortified, I sprinted into my parent’s bedroom only to find an empty bed. Eventually, I realized there was no one in the house. Even my cat, Sue was gone.
Silently, I left my parent’s bedroom but as I was walking back I noticed something peculiar, the calendar’s date was May 3rd 3010. Astonished by what I was seeing I grabbed my coat, and walked outside, only to find more surprises. There were no houses, no people, and no color, there was no life.
Dazed with confusion I began to walk. I didn’t know where I was going; all I knew was that I was going somewhere. While I was walking I heard something behind me, more like someone. I ignored it, believing it was my imagination. I turned around every few seconds only to find the emptiness that surrounded me.
Further in the distance there was music, and laughter, but no people. Curious, I started in that direction. Suddenly, I was stopped by something grabbing my shoulder. Before I knew it I was pinned to the ground with something standing over me. It wore a long black robe and a mask that covered his face. It was the black figure, the same one inside my house. Naturally I tried to kick, and punch but I lay there unable to move. Eventually, its fingers began to slip and the once tight grip broke lose. Frightened I ran as fast and as far as I could. I kept running and I never turned back.
After miles of walking I heard the noise of what sounded like bats. Petrified, I ducked into the forest to escape. The sun couldn’t penetrate through the ceiling of the forest. Darkness made the forest un-navigatable. If I was going to make it out safely I needed to remain here until morning.
When morning came I found myself not in the forest where I fell asleep, but in an open field with hundreds of birds circling above me. I panicked. Without hesitation I got up and sprinted ahead-with no direction in mind.
Suddenly, I came to the end of the road. What lay ahead was the end of the road blocked by a massive fence that extended from east to west for as far as I could see. Blocked by the fence behind me and my worst fears in front of me, there was nowhere to run.
I froze, trapped between the fence and the slowly approaching black figure. Cautiously, I backed up, so back was against the fence. I shut my eyes for a minute, and when I opened them I saw it reach into the pocket of the robe. Suddenly, I woke up.

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