The Amazing Adventure to China | Teen Ink

The Amazing Adventure to China

May 12, 2014
By Evann123 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Evann123 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One Saturday my family and I were going to go to McDonald’s, however it started to rain Big Macs and coke. So then we were at a dead end, we didn't know what to do then because our plans for the day just got canceled. We all just sat in the car until I had a bright idea.

“Let’s go to China!” I shouted.

So it was a plan to go to china but I it was rain food so that ruled out flying to china. The coke was killing the fish so that takes away the peaceful cruise to china and the rocky small boat ride to china. So I just decided to build a drill so that we could drill our way to china. Building the drill took about year to build and test but that just made me more excited to go to China.

Once we were ready to go I brought the drill to the beach but right before I started drilling a shark jumped out of the water and my mom. I tranquilized the shark and put it back in the water safely.

My mom was dead but that’s the price you have to pay for China. My family and I were half way there and we forgot to bring snacks luckily dirt tastes fine in the middle of the earth. The next day we made it to China and everybody was ecstatic. However in china they’d never had big macs, so I went back to the states go get some.

The author's comments:
My teacher inspired me.

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