A Curse Unbreakable | Teen Ink

A Curse Unbreakable

May 19, 2014
By Sassy_Sarah_1018 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
Sassy_Sarah_1018 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Accept what you cannot change, change what you can't accept -unknown


“Evelyn is her name, she is the cursed one,” A man said, his voice low.

“You mean, the one who must live in darkness?” A gentle woman’s voice questioned. “She has lived fine for years, I don’t see why-”

“She was cursed long ago, well her mother, Aurora. You know the story well, don’t you?” The man interrupted.

“Yes, I’ve heard stories. Truthfully, watched the kingdom in it’s dark age while she slept for the hundred years,” the woman explained.

“Yes, well the Enchantress cursed Evelyn, when she was born. This time she preformed her spell when no one was with the child. She cast out a spell of pain when near light. The fey woman was cleaver, however, and made her curse unbreakable. Aurora could not even make it weaker,” The man explained, holding the handle of his weapon, just for safety. The kingdom never knew when enemies would strike.

“Like I stated before, she seems fine!” the lady protested.

“That’s where we’re befuddled,” He sighed, “She could have watched Evelyn die right before her own eyes, instead, she waits thirteen years for the spell to take affect.”

“The spell has been set to take affect at a certain age?” The woman asked. She undid her bun, letting her golden hair fall to one side.

“Yes, that’s half of the answer. There is another portion we do not understand.”

“What would that be?”

“Why?” The man cried, almost relieved at the same time, “Why wait? Why not watch he die then and there, rather than waiting?!”

“I know,” the woman said calmly, almost too calmly.

“You do? Well, get on with it then!” He exclaimed.

“Yes, the Enchantress wanted a closer bond between Aurora and Evelyn to form. Then, when Evelyn seeks light, she will die. Aurora would become devastated and depressed. When she is, I’ll take over her kingdom, and soon over the entire dynasty, making Tinker Bell suffer like I did. They will follow my rules, my orders, and Sleeping Beauty will get what she deserved in the first place, death!” Her voice became louder, angrier, and more determined with each word.

“What do you mean, you’ll take over?” The man asked, gripping his dagger tighter.

“You just walked into my trap, Sir Aden Brooker, I am the Enchantress,” She laughed, her voice lower than before. The woman’s golden hair transformed black, her skin became pale, she grew taller, and her long green dress fell longer, and a black that matched her hair. The only thing that Sir Brooker, remembered was how those kind blue changed to a violet. Anger, hurt, and sadness washed over him.

“Cinderella!” the man cried, unsheathing his sword. The Enchantress smirked and pointed a finger at him. He disappeared into thin air, a dark cloud of fire, ashes, and enchantment filled the sky.

“Now,” The Enchantress spoke to herself, feeling pride and less anger in her soul, “Where is Evelyn?”

Chapter One

Aurora paced the Ballroom floor. It was a gloomy day in the Spindle castle. Tomorrow was Evelyn’s thirteenth birthday, and everyone knew of the curse, except herself.

“Queen Aurora,” A guard said, entering the room.

“Oh!” Aurora exclaimed, “You frightened me.”

“I am very sorry, your majesty,” He apologized, “Yet, some troubling news has occurred. Some towns people are saying Cinderella and Sir Adan are missing. We searched the entire kingdom, but we haven't found them, only this.” The guard held up a very familiar blade.

“Sir Adan’s blade!” Aurora cried, “Send for the troops. Go to all the kingdoms, all the villages, and search. If they cannot be found, a battle will rise. I have a feeling they are with her.” Her determination and courage is what the entire Spindle Castle and the other queens admired about Aurora.

“But what about you? We have limited protection, so who will watch over you and Evelyn if the Enchantress is really attacking?” The guard questioned.

“SHHHHH,” She exclaimed, “Do not say her name, it is possible that we could summon her.” Aurora calmed down. “We’ll be fine, just make sure Evelyn is in darkness before dawn.”

“Yes, you majesty,” he bowed and hurried out.

As the guard strode out down the hall, he passed a girl, twelve years of age. She had golden-brown hair that flowed past her shoulders, and wore a lilac dress with a white rose on the left strap, and matching white ballet shoes.Her name was Evelyn. Evelyn skipped gleefully inside the ballroom. Her mother stood at a window, looking out at her people. One of her hands clasped the other arm tightly.

“Hello Mother,” Evelyn piped “I have a quick question for you.”

“Hello dear,” Aurora greeted back, “What is your question?”

“Well,” Evelyn started, “I saw some men moving my furniture into a dark room, with no windows, candles, or torches.”

‘Oh dear,’ Aurora thought, ‘Should I tell her? Should I not? How will she react?’

“Well, er... um-”

“I mean,” I questioned them, but they didn’t respond,” Evelyn babbled on, “And, I became curious, so I found you to ask you about this matter!”

“Sit down, Evelyn,” Aurora sighed, knowing that she would have to tell her on that day. “A long time ago, your father saved me-”

“Yes mother, I’ve heard the story before! I know he was a prince that save you from your long, endless sleep. And you slept for a hundred years because a mean, old witch cursed you. Why are you telling me this? I already know! So, how does this relate to me?!” Evelyn’s mouth did not stop at all.

“Evelyn, there’s more to it that I never told you. It was no ordinary witch that cursed me, it was-,” She took a deep breath, “The Enchantress.”

“The Enchantress?” Evelyn asked, her eyes wide, and her muscles growing tense. Evelyn knew there was a connection somewhere.

Aurora explained who the Enchantress was, and how Evelyn was cursed, the other royalties held a meeting.





It took very little time to get there from the Spindle Castle. There were underground tunnels that lead to the discussion corridors. Behind a painting in the Alchemy Room, (the basement), was the beginning to the tunnel. It traveled South.

Ten seats outlined half of the circular area. On the other half, three more larger seats stood. An alter with eleven items, the map of Phontonia, and a basket with twenty-three amulets shined brightly in the center. Out of the thirteen seat, only ten of them were accompanied with a queen or ruler of some kind.

“Where is Cinderella and Aurora?” A vice boomed throughout the area. It was loud and intimidating, although also was high pitched, and had tiny jingle to it. Every King, Queen, and Town Folk knew of her. They called her Tinker Bell.

“We do not know,” Rapunzle peeped.

“They must be late, or tending to kingdom matters,” Dorothy added.

“Well, I bet Aurora is taking care of Evelyn, and preparing for dawn tomorrow,” Tinker Bell admitted.

“Awe poor thing, I hope they are okay,” Snow White said.

“Does Cinderella know we have a meeting?” Alice asked, holing her kitten in her arms.

“She R.S.V.P’d and said yes,” Thumbelina responded, befuddled.

“Cindy’s probably just late,” Mulan concluded. Everyone nodded, wanting to to change the subject.

“The first and only order of today’s meeting is the news Jasmine wanted to share,” Tinker Bell stated.

“Yes, Jasmine replied, “We all know that there have been recent sightings of the Enchantress-”

Everyone moaned. “Not again,” Belle complained, “This has been going on for years!”

“Jasmine, they are most likely tales, do not listen to what your people say,” Snow White sympathized.

“I knew you were going to say that,” Jasmine exclaimed, “But, there’s more than that.”

“What do you mean there’s more?” Arial questioned. Jasmine stood up.

“My people were starting to think I wasn’t listening them when they said they saw her. I decided to send my troops out to look for anything that gave us clues of where she was, to prove I was protecting them. When they came back, five days later, they reported of finding something,” Jasmine explained.

“What did they find?” Rapunzle asked, leaning forward in her seat.

“Their hideout.”
Chapter Two

“Their hideout?” Thumbelina exclaimed.

“Yes, yes,” Jasmine responded, “Southeast of The Glass Territory, North of the Warrior Kingdom.” She sat down.

“That’s about a four day travel from Aurora’s castle,” Belle calculated.

“How far from mine?” Mulan gasped.

“Maybe a day or a day and a half,” Belle responded, “I depends on the actual location.”

“What if Cinderella’s hurt?” Dorothy questioned, “Or worse... Dead!” Worried chatter filled the room. It was broken by Tinker Bell’s demanding voice.

“That’s enough, queens! I know we are all worried about Cinderella and Aurora, but we must stay positive. Mulan, send your troops to investigate the hideout. Alice, send some noble men to survey if Aurora is alright.”

“Yes, your majesty,” they accepted in unison.

“I will check on Cinderella, just make sure to keep your kingdoms under control. Do not make them suspicious that something is going on. Since we have this issue at hand, meeting adjured!” Tinker Bell said. The queens exited through three passage ways back to their dynasties.





Aurora took an hour to explain her predicament, once Evelyn understood everything she cried, “Why wouldn’t you tell me this earlier?!”

“I did not want you to worry, Evelyn! I love you and want to protect you!” Aurora exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. It was too late, Evelyn was already running down the hall. “I’m so sorry,” Aurora called, “Come back here!” She cried for the night.

About seven hours later, at 1:30 in the morning, two guards moved Evelyn into her new room. As the door closed, she realized that would be the last time she ever saw light. A single tear ran down her face.

Evelyn tip-toed to her nightstand and felt around for her journal. Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she started writing.

Dear Diary,

June 12, possibly two in the morning

I am still grieving. This is my first night in this dark hell. I thought when I turned thirteen, I would feel older, happier, and more independent. Instead, this is a worse version of Rapunzle, at least she could look out of a window. I will never be able to enjoy the annual dynasty gatherings again. I will never be able to be taught my lessons with my personal tutor. And worse of them all, I will never be able to see my greatest friend, Ida, of the White Palace. I hope we will communicate somehow. I’d better be getting rest now, who knows what “fun” I’ll have tomorrow.
Chapter 3

The morning consisted of pouring rain that slithered down Tinker Bell’s window. Tinker Bell lived in the Ruler’s Dynasty, just north of Wonderland, and East of the Magical Sovereignty. The only royal beings that lived in the Ruler’s Dynasty were Tinker Bell, Thumbelina, and Prince Fallon.

On this dark, rainy day, thirteen year old, Prince Fallon wrote to his love. She was his main priority to protect, and love. This girl was the only princess in the Spindle Castle, Evelyn. He wrote,

Dearest Evelyn,

I have heard of your curse. This is a terrible way to own a relationship, if I can’t see your beautiful face. I do not want to end it, and I doubt you do, so we will make it work, because I love you more than words can describe! And I will put noting else before me, than you. I am very sorry that this much be so short, I am helping my mother gather her items together for her journey to The Glass Territory.
Your’s truly,
Prince Fallon
After he sealed the envelope and closed it with an official stamp, Fallon strode along to Tinker Bell’s chamber, where she was packing quickly.

“Hello, mother,” he greeted her.

“Hello, Fallon,” she sighed, “Will you prepare a basket of food for me? The days worth, if you please.”

“Of course,” Fallon said, “And, may I ask you a question?”

“And what would the at be?”

“May I accompany you to The Glass Territory? I am worried dearly about Evelyn, and would like to visit her. It is only a couple days away from your destination. I will be very careful!” Fallon hoped his mother would say yes, but the answer was even more surprising than that.

Tinker Bell thought for a moment. “Well, since you are visiting Evelyn, I will allow you to go.”

“Thank you mother!” Fallon exclaimed.

“Although,” she continued, “You must take a different path that I.”

“Why must I do so?” He asked.

“I will be stopping at a place, that no child shall ever be. It is too dangerous. One day, I will tell you about it,” Tinker Bell explained.

“Oh,” Fallon understood, “Well then, let me gather food for our travels.”





Not only Tinker Bell and Fallon were journeying to other Dynasties, Ida, a simple towns girl of The White Palace, was well on her way to visit Evelyn. They had been best friends since they were born. Now, Ida wanted to see her friend in this time of grief, even the kingdom she lived in were upset about this cursed spell. It took about two days to arrive there, for Ida, and about five for Fallon. They both did not know they were walking right into the Enchantress’s trap.
To be continued.........

The author's comments:
I am a huge fantasy fan and i love how they're turning fairy tale into more modern movies! I decided to try something with a plot line i would think would be interesting!

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on May. 23 2014 at 3:47 pm
Sassy_Sarah_1018 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Accept what you cannot change, change what you can't accept -unknown

Thanks for reading!!!!!