Bob Johnson | Teen Ink

Bob Johnson

May 20, 2014
By Lee Grasemann BRONZE, Bartlett, Illinois
Lee Grasemann BRONZE, Bartlett, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bob Johnson was your average twenty five year old rooftop farmer in New York. His building was seventy stories in the air and collected humidity well which made for good farming. Although farming had good pay in NYC, Bob hated his life. One day he decided to jump. He could hardly breathe and was gulping air like water. Right after Bob jumped he regretted it. Bob closed his eyes and imagined he was in his bedroom sipping lemonade. When he opened his eyes he was standing up on his bed. He decided to close his eyes again, just this time he imagined his kitchen. When he opened his eyes he found himself starring at his refrigerator. He knew he had to tell someone but he didn’t have any friends, family, or even work partners. The only people he talked to were the strangers at the market in which he sold crops to. Every other time there would be a thief that would steel his crops. Bob would try to catch him but the thief was too fast. The next time Bob was in the market he saw the hooded thief when the man approached He grabbed the ripest mango on display. Bob transported right in front of the thief and grabbed his coat. The hooded thief took a quick swing and put Bob on his butt. The man ran faster but this time he jumped and with one leap he was on the other side of the park. People all around him were staring with awe. Bob panicked as a man his age came running up to him asking questions. Bob wanted o answer but the crowd was too noisy so Bob grabbed the man and teleported on top of his building. Bob quickly introduced himself to the stranger and asked for the man’s name. He replied, “Joe Billy”. Joe explained that the man Bob had been hit buy had stolen all his money and belongings. Bob was curious how the man jumped so high, and hit so hard. Joe explained that the thief has super charged bionic arms and legs. Joe also said that he could run through walls and sink through the ground. Before long the two became partners and were planning to take down the hoodlum.

Bob and Joe trained hard and became masters in hand to hand combat. They both strengthened their super powers and got smarter strategically. They hid in the shadows and watched the enemy every day. They sought his patters and weaknesses and waited for the day in which they would attack. Bob and Joe would see their enemy enter the market but he would be by a large group of people or right out in the open where he could just jump away. Then one day he went part way through an ally market that was surrounded by ten story apartment buildings. The two made a quick plan, and then they waited for the hoodlum to steal something. As he went for a fruit stand Bob transported right behind him and said “I wouldn’t do that”. The man stayed still for a moment then swung around for a knockout blow but Bob side stepped it. Before the man could react Bob threw a swift blow to the man’s face, then his stomach, then the throat. The man was kneeling gasping for air. Bob ordered for a name but the man didn’t reply. “Give me a name!” only this time the man spitted on Bobs shoes and braced for a blow. Bob chuckled then kneed the man in the face. The man went for a punch, missed, then jumped as high as he could but just then Joe came flying through a wall of the nearest building and tackled him in mid air. Bob transported himself up to the men hen warped them safely to the ground. They pinned him to the ground and demanded once more for a name. Dazed, he replied Will, Will Dehaan. Bob and Joe brought will to the police station and had him arrested for stealing and battery. The two men became heroes in New York and helped cops with other cases. But sadly seven years later Bob died from a kink in his powers, it turns out his powers don’t help him swim.

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