Two Friends | Teen Ink

Two Friends

May 28, 2014
By roetters SILVER, Lake St.Louis, Missouri
roetters SILVER, Lake St.Louis, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There were two friends named Ben and Blake who would always hang out after school. This was no ordinary relationship though. There was something much different. Ben was just a boy, but Blake was a dragon. Ben always left right after school to go see Blake. Blake lived in the forest behind Ben’s school.

One day Blake was feeling down. As he was waiting for Ben to get off school he started thinking about if Ben really cared for him. Blake went through everything that he had done for Ben in his mind. He flew Ben around and has protected Ben at times, but when Ben came to see Blake, all Ben wanted to do was fly around. Blake felt as if Ben was only friends with Blake so he could fly around everyday.

School had just let out and Blake had noticed that Ben was coming down the path. Blake started to approach Ben. Ben shouted, “Blake!” and started running towards him.
Once they met, Blake asked, “How was your day?”
Ben said, “My day was great. I could not wait to get out of school though.” Then he asked, “Can we go flying?”
“Jump on,” Blake said, and they took off.
“Do you care about me?” Blake asked Ben.
“Of course I do,” Ben said.
“I just do not feel like you do. I fly you around everyday and that is all you want to do. I never feel like you sacrifice anything for me,” Blake explained.
Ben said, “I do sacrifice for you. You are my best friend. People are afraid of dragons. Without me you would not have any human friends. Everyday after school I miss the bus and walk home so I can come and hangout.”
Blake said, “I am sorry for feeling this way,” and was humbled by their talk.
Blake tries not to jump to conclusions now. He appreciates Ben and the time he sacrifices so he can come hang out with him. Blake shows his appreciation of Ben by continually taking him flying.

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