Transformation | Teen Ink


May 30, 2014
By Nikki_Marie17 BRONZE, Nedrow, New York
Nikki_Marie17 BRONZE, Nedrow, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You dont turn your back on family, even when they do.

On the night of the full moon, we ran as fast as our legs could carry us. Through the woods branches smacking my face along the way, I could still hear the wolfs snarls behind us. He was catching up to us when all of a sudden snap! I felt my knees give out below me I looked up at the bright moon then my eyes flashed next to me I see what I had fallen over, a dead body. It was a young girl no older than 16 maybe even 17. She was attacked by one of us or maybe one of them, either way the cops will say it was an animal attack. Then right before I could let my thoughts trail off any longer Eric snapped me back to reality.
“Ava! Come on! Get up! He’s coming! Let’s go!” He screamed to me
I was up and running once more I could smell the blood from the hospital on the other side of the woods.
“Eric I’m starving!” I yelled to him
“Deal with it, unless you want to satisfy his hunger!” he screamed as he pointed a few feet to his right.
That’s when I looked over and saw the bright gold glow of the wolf’s eyes and in that instant I knew exactly who it was. Almost out of these woods I thought to myself when the wolf jumped onto Eric.
I looked up at the wolf his teeth are inches away from my face snarling at me and the deep growl coming from his throat. My eyes began to change to from blue to red, and then the veins protruded under the skin surrounding my eyes, and then my fangs. After 200 years you think I’d be use to the anger turning into rage and the hunger turning into starvation but I’m not.
“Ava! Run!” I screamed as I managed to throw the wolf off the top of me.
“I’m not leaving you!” I screamed to Eric as he and the wolf stared each other down.
“Mia would have listened to me!” Eric spat out in anger.
“I’m not her!” I cried out in frustration. When the wolf charged at me, we tumbled and rolled through the leaves. That’s when Eric pushed the wolf off and it gave us just enough time to get out of the woods.
“Ava I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it” Eric cried out.
“I don’t care! Leave!” I screamed and slammed the door in his face.

I walked to my room picking leaves and gravel out of my long black hair, which by the way isn’t always fun to have. That’s when I saw her sitting on my bed, with the long black hair, and those blue green eyes and the sarcastic smile I hated so much.
“What do you want?” I said with irritation
“Sounds like you two are having trouble.” She said with a face that shows how much she truly doesn’t care.
“What do you want Nadia?” I repeated myself.
“I’m your mother, cant I just stop by?” she said with a sly look
“After you’ve tried to kill me and my friend? No, you can’t.” I said in retaliation
“It wasn’t like I wanted you to be the monster that you are.” Nadia snapped back angrily
“You could have looked for me that night I went missing; you could have kept me from becoming what I am. You’re over 200 years old you think that you would have some sort of knowledge” I said back “I have to accept the fact that I have to grief a mother that I never had, now please just go.” I added as I tried to hide the tears that fell from my eyes.
*Ava’s Thoughts*
It was the summer of 1812 warm, blue skies, and kids laughing. “Happy 17th Birthday Ava!” My best friend Eric screamed into my room. Eric was about 6’0 ft black hair and brown eyes; he’s muscular but not too muscular.
“Eric get out I have to get dressed! Didn’t your mother teach you it’s not polite to spy on a lady?” I giggled back.
The day went on as normal with the happy birthdays and I didn’t even get a stain on my new dress this year. Oh, how I loved that dress, it was baby blue with white lining. My 17th birthday was great until that night. Eric and I were sitting by the lake when a strange man walked up all I could remember were his eyes, those ice cold eyes that matched mine. I also remembered the smell of rain that’s when the strange man handed us a drink.

“Happy Birthday Ava” The man said
“Thank you but do I know you?” I spoke after I took a sip of this weird drink that did not taste very good by the way.
Before he answered he attacked Eric, the strange man took a big bite out of Eric’s right forearm. I tried to run but he was faster and much stronger, he grabbed a hold of me and I don’t remember anything after that. All I remember is feeling like I was on fire, my body ceased and thrashed around. That’s how you become one of us, if you survive the process; you’re one of the lucky ones. The next morning I woke up on the side of the lake with blood all over my dress.
*Knock! Knock*
A knock at the door jolted me back to reality as I looked out the front door I saw him

“Ian?” I said with little panicky inside.
*Ian’s Thoughts*

Her hair is still as dark brown as before; her skin is the same olive color as the last time I saw her, and her icy blue eyes peered out the front door at me. She looks confused to see me here, I mean hey you do what you can to try and get the women you love back right? She’s like me, were like each other, Eric doesn’t understand her like I do. He doesn’t know what upsets her and what makes her happy, but I do.

“Ava, can I come in please?” He spoke through the door

She slowly walked to the door a little more caution than usual, she slowly opened the door, and I couldn’t read her expression. I reached up and pulled a dead leaf out of her hair “You had a leaf in your hair” I said softly as I handed her the leaf.

“What...What are you doing here?” She spoke
“I wanted to see you, I miss you” I said
“Ian it’s really not a good time right now, it’s been a long night” she spoke while holding back the tears that were forming in her icy blue eyes.
“Hey...What’s the matter?” I said concerning
“I really just want to be alone right now, please come back tomorrow” She said gently as she opened the door to let me out.
“I’ll come back tomorrow” I said as I walked out the door

“Ava?” He said
“Yes?” I spoke
“I never stopped loving you” he said as he turned and disappeared into the night.

*Ava’s Thoughts*
What was he doing here? What does he want? I thought to myself as I fell onto my bed.

“It can wait until morning.” I said to myself quietly

Then I heard the crashing of glass and footsteps.

“We need to find her! She can’t get away with killing one of our own!” the voice called out to what had to be others.

“Eric you know her help us!” the voice said again.
“I will … then we kill her” said Eric.

My own best friend is trying to kill me? The same burning rushed through my body like when I was transforming, that’s what happens when the person who is changed by the same person you were changed by betrays you or hurts you. It’s a crazy thing, you feel like your heart of stone begins to break.

The author's comments:
This is a short story. It is in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre. Thank you for taking time to read it.

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