Survival of the Fittest | Teen Ink

Survival of the Fittest

June 3, 2014
By Ben Stellhorn BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin, Wisconsin
Ben Stellhorn BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Michael spoke against the wind, to a girl named Tanya. Tanya is my sister, she is both emotionally and physically strong. We both stand on the porch looking at the sky.

“What just happened?” Tanya asked. Just about a minute ago my sister and I experienced an extreme earthquake.

“I don’t know, we better call mom,” I say calmly.
A couple seconds before

“Would ya[a] turn down the TV michael! I’m trying to do homework!” yelled Tanya.
ring ring Tanya gets up and answers the phone.


“Hi Tanya”

“Hi mom”

“Can you watch your brother for one more hour, I will be late. I have an unexpected operation on one of my patients,” she says.

“Ok, bye”

Tanya goes back to working on homework. All the sudden the house starts to rapidly shake.

“Michael!?” Tanya yells. Michael walks in frantically.

“What’s happening!” They both crouch down underneath the doorway. That’s what they were told to do here in Sacramento. The houses starts to slant and keeps shaking. Tanya and Michael hold on for dear life. Plates, knives, forks, and other objects come flying towards the opposite side of kitchen. The shaking abruptly stops with Michael and Tanya desperately escaping the house.
Present time

Our neighbors all come running out of their homes, some injured. The scene outside is horrific. Trees are fallen houses are cracked and destroyed. The sound of an ambulance is slightly heard. We just called our mom, she didn’t answer. Then, our neighbor, Marcus Linmere, comes running towards us. He was a tall man with gentle brown eyes, jet black hair, and arched eyebrows[b]. He is my mom’s best friend

“Where is your mother?” he asks.

“She is at work and isn’t answering her phone!” Tanya blurts out before I even have time to react.

“We need to go now. Did you here? President Santen has been assassinated and there are murderings happening all around. I need to get you to safety.”

“No! I need to wait for my mom!”

“I’ll bring you to her. We can drive to the hospital but she is busy helping people.”
We quickly get in the Marcus’s blue Honda and drive right to the hospital in Sacramento. We quickly park and here loud cracking, and then an astronomically high fizzing noise. All the sudden an explosion from the hospital erupts reaching towards the sky. The explosion brings Tanya, Marcus, and I to the ground. The craziness ends and I see a scene from the worst depths of a nightmare. People running out, bodies on the ground. Where is my mom? I ask myself. Oh no, she was in the explosion.

“Michael, get in the car now! We need to leave now!” Marcus yells.

“But we need to see if my mom is okay!” I yell back.
I quickly think about what to do and I get in the car towards wherever Marcus will take me leaving my house, my mom, my whole life behind me and start a new journey.
“We’re going somewhere I think is safe.” Marcus says.
“Where,” asks tanya.
“To my aunt Linda, she lives in the northern woods of San Francisco. Hopefully nothing horrible happened there.”
My mom is probably dead. My house is basically collapsed. And now I’m on my way to some stranger my crazy neighbor is taking me. What did I get myself into? We drive for the next hour on a busy highway. People are on a rush and we just passed our fifth car crash. Marcus yelled suddenly and we swerve off too the right as an enormous truck flips in front of us. Our car swerves and crashes into another car and we flip down a hill. I wake up frantically out of what I think I passed out. My arm is bleeding and it feels broken. Tanya is unconscious and I don’t know where Marcus is. Tanya wakes up.

“Where’s Marcus?” she asked.

“I don’t know.”
He couldn’t of abandoned us. I look through the wreckage of the car while Tanya stitches herself up with Marcus’s first aid kit she found in his trunk. She learned from my mother, she was very skilled and will become a great doctor. I keep looking and then I find him. Bloody and unconscious. We wait anxiously for him to wake up. Tanya helps me with my arm. She wraps it up and tells me not to touch it. Lots of people are dead around the world. Tanya found a wireless radio in the truck that hit us. It’s about 70 feet away from here upside down. The driver is dead. We hear inhaling and exhaling from Marcus and he wakes up asking where we are. We tell him we are camping out for the night in the forest. We make makeshift beds and fall asleep. We wake up and start to walk north. Great we have no car and no cell phones. We listen to the wireless radio while we walk. The reporter talks about chaotic people running around terrorizing people and that the country has no leader. Wow, what has this world given to us. We walk for a while and then start to walk next to the bustling freeway. Thats when it happened. All the cars stopped looking at the massive wave reaching the sky by the ocean. People get out of there cars to look at it.

“It’s a massive tsunami! Run!” Marcus yells. People start to get out of their cars and run. We run into the woods. Running through the woods dodging trees. We see other people running too. The tsunami is right behind us and then next thing I know I’m floating in cold salt water.
To be continued...

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