Adventures of the Sandwich Billy | Teen Ink

Adventures of the Sandwich Billy

July 3, 2014
By SKLion BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
SKLion BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I searched for time but realized I was wasting my time."

It was a warm summer day on April 16th, 2000. On that beautiful day, a spectacular event happened in an ordinary house and to an ordinary man named Bob. Bob was not a genius, athletic, or a rich man but an average fellow with a job at Wal-Mart. Bob did not have a mansion but yet an average size house full of flowers and had a garden in his backyard. His garden was blooming with flowers at this time of years, there were colors flying in the backyard. It was beautiful morning with the sun rising up from the horizon. The sun was a blazing gold sphere shooting warmth everywhere it saw. Bob woke up and opened his curtain to see the sun rise and said while yawning,
“Can’t wait until what the glorious day brings today”. He walked to his kitchen full of flowers and poured himself a cup of coffee while fetching his newspaper outside and making a sandwich for his breakfast. Right as he was about to take a bite of his sandwich the phone started ringing madly. Bob sighed and talked himself while running upstairs to fetch the chaotic phone, “Why must it ring on a great day like today?”
When he reached his bedroom, he started to look for his phone but could not. “Now where did I put that phone of mine” he thought to himself. He looked in his closet, drawer, even under his bed but could not be found. He even tried to concentrate where the sound was coming from but instead only heard ringing from every direction. He looked inside his pillow and found that his phone was inside the pillow madly screaming and ringing.
Bob only questioned himself, why is it there inside the pillow? He took it out and answered the receiver which must’ve waited very patiently and found that it was his friend Peter.
“Hello?” Bob asked while lying down on his bed,
“Hey Bob, do you want to go do something or what and what took you so long to pick up your phone?” Peter asked impatiently.
“Where do you want to go”, said Bob, “and my phone was inside my pillow somehow.”
“I don’t know,” said Peter with a sigh, “that why I’m asking you.”
“How about the soccer field today at around noon time?” Bob recommended.
“Sure no problem, see you later at the soccer field man.” They hung up after they decided where to go. Bob got up and looked at the time, it was 11:23 a.m. He had around thirty minutes to get ready. Bob walked slowly to his closet sleepily and changed out of his clothes into his soccer jersey and shorts. He waddled downstairs and finished his coffee he was drinking and put his sandwich in a wrap to eat it after he came back from soccer. He was fully awake by then and he jogged to his door, grabbed his keys, locked his doors and went inside his car. While he was getting out of his driveway he saw the sun still blazing gold and just had to take a picture of it with his phone. He arrived at the soccer field at a clumsy time 12:06p.m. The soccer field was fairly large and had grass springing everywhere. Peter was already practicing his kicks. Peter saw Bob and yelled “Over here Bob!”.
Bob jogged to the place where Peter was at and said “Hope I’m not too late.”
“Nope”,its fine said Peter. They practiced tricks, passes, and kicks for around 2 hours. By the time they were done, they were huffing and puffing and were both out of breath. They both separated and went home. When Bob arrived at his house, he changed out of his sweaty shirt and shorts and made himself and a cup of lemonade. He sat down to drink his lemonade and then realized that something felt missing.
“My sandwich is still in the refrigerator”, and walked to the refrigerator to get the sandwich. The sandwich was rock hard to he microwaved it for around a minute. When he took his food out, he yelled and whinnied in a small voice for the sandwich was steaming and quickly ran to his plate and placed it as fast as he could. The second Bob was about to take a bite of the sandwich, he heard a screaming and quickly placed his food down and stood up shaking. He looked around, there was no one in sight but a small voice could be heard.
“Please don’t eat me, I’m Billy the Sandwich.”The sandwich said is a squeaky voice like a mouse. Bob looked at his sandwich and stared at with an awe look. He could not believe that his sandwich was talking her and now. “Don’t eat me please”, came again by the steaming sandwich. Bob now was slowing walking to get his phone to call Peter to come quickly. But Billy the Sandwich must’ve known for he took off and ran into his overflowing garden. Bob quickly snatched the phone and started to chase the sandwich, unbelievably the tiny creature or food was running extremely fast.
“Stop running little sandwich and come!” Bob yelled while chasing the sandwich and calling Peter. By the time he had called Peter, they had already ran around the garden twice and the sandwich showed no thought of stopping to run. Around ten minutes later he heard a yell behind his fence.
“Bob, I’m here!” and Peter dashed into the room. They all three ran three more laps until they caught the little creature. Peter thought of eating the sandwich but Bob did not want this mysterious food to die. Bob caged Billy the Sandwich in his parrot cage he had for his parrot that died couple of years ago.
“Please don’t eat me please oh please don’t.” The little mysterious creature kept repeating that sentence over and over until Bob couldn’t take it anymore. He opened the cage and Sandwich Billy jumped out and declared a statement.
“For your great deed sire for not eating me, I humbly give you the power to have unlimited supply of sandwiches.” Then just like that, the sandwich snapped his little edible hands then vanished in to the thin air. Bob and Peter just stood there stunned than began to make a plan what to do with the unlimited supply of sandwiches. A year later there was a worldwide famous sandwich business called the Billy’s Sandwiches and the president was Bob and the vice president of the business was Peter. Their banner was a sandwich running with steam rolling off of him with two men chasing the little sandwich. This was the day on the summer day that changed Bob’s life.

The author's comments:
I love writing short fiction stories.

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