Cedric | Teen Ink


October 7, 2014
By I_Am_The_Doctor BRONZE, Alta, Iowa
I_Am_The_Doctor BRONZE, Alta, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whats the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Cedric ran to the docks as he did most days after school. He liked to watch the time sailors prepare their ships for travel. He loved to hear the stories they had to share from far off worlds. He loved everything from the docs. There was always something new to see. Some new species from a far off planet. Sometimes a time sailor would spot Cedric and ask for his help. Cedric always felt like he was a man when he helped. Sometimes after he helped them they would give him something from another time and place. He may have been 10 at the time, but Cedric already knew what he wanted to do when he grew up. He wanted to be a time sailor.
Cedric grabbed his pack from the floor of his room. He was now 17 years old, and on his way to the docs. This time he would be an official time sailor. He had graduated from the Academy the previous day and today was his first day of his life as a Time sailor. He checked his reflection on his way to the living room. He was finally wearing an official Time Uniform. He beamed at his own reflection. On his lapel was his patch with his company's maxim:
“Intrepid sailors for the good of the people.’’
Intrepid, Cedric liked that word. He liked it alot. With his recent graduation, and departure from home he felt like he was a brave, fearless, and bold. He would fight for the good of every kind of person. It didn’t matter to him whether they were human, martian, or any other intergalactic race. He would fight for the good.
He walked out the doors of his home with both a smile and a tear on his face. He would miss his family, and friends, but he had chosen this life a long time ago. He was proud to be able to protect the innocent people of the universe. His mother kissed him good bye and good luck. He saw tears in her eyes. The only thing that mollified her was the fact that she knew her son would be fighting for the good people of this universe. Knowing he would be happy also brought her peace of mind.
Cedric walked towards the docks. A spring in his step. His old friends called out to him wishing him luck. What would be his first adventure? His first mission? He didn’t know but he awaited his future as a time sailor.
Cedric quickly fell into the routine of time sailors. He adapted to his new life with ease. He wasn't even considered a new star by his higher ups. He was happy in his new life, but somewhat disappointed. He was expecting adventure every day, but everyday was the same. Training in the morning, breakfast afterwards, lessons till three, then lunch then sports, then free time. Every so often someone would be called to the captain's’ office and be sent off on a mission. Cedric had not been called yet. He didn’t mind though. He was still happy in his new life.
“Cedric James McClements, Emmett Jasper Warr, and Samuel Terrence Warr report to the Captain's Office.” Called the intercom system in their room. All three of them were roommates and all new stars, the name given to new time sailors. It was free time and they were playing a card game, but they immediately left it and left.
They were chatting happily and on their way to the Captain's office.
“Do ya think well get a mission?” wondered Cedric
“Don’t know mate hopefully.” answered Emmett.
“Or maybe we're in trouble.” exclaimed Sam.
They talked about what might happen to them. Finally they reached the door to the Captain's office. They didn’t know whether to knock or wait. Finally Emmett stepped forward and knocked.
“Come in” bellowed a voice within. They apprehensively opened the door and stepped in.
“Sit down” Said a man behind the desk. He was a big man, built and balding. They each took a seat
“You have been summoned to be assigned a mission. You three have been paired up because you work well together.” Said the Captain. “You will be sent to the town Medus on the planet Casad. It underwent an attack from an enemy planet. You three will be sent to help the civilians while we assemble an army to help protect them.”
Cedric, Emmett, and Sam looked excited. Finally a mission.
“You’re job is important. We need to clear out the area in case of another attack. It is likely the enemy will strike again, so it is a dangerous one. In your room has been placed information, travel pack and tickets for your assigned travelpod. Good luck.” With that the Captain dismissed them.
The tree boys quickly went to their rooms. Their on each of their beds was a small box. They opened them and found a travel suit and first aid things. There was also packaged food.
“Looks like they expect us to be there for a while.” Emmett said, “They gave us enough food for three weeks.” Cedric didn’t give this much thought. He was excited to go on his first mission. They found their tickets and instructions taped to door. They left to their assigned pod and prepared for launch.
They finally arrived at Madus. They stepped out. What they saw was unpleasant. People were living in squalid conditions. The buildings were all collapsed there was filth everywhere. It looked like a war zone. I was a war zone. They saw a little boy come out of a pile of depre nearby. He was filthy and had many wounds on his arms and face, his shirt was caked with dried blood. Whether his or not was a mystery.
“Mr. please Help me!” Cried the little boy as he ran closer. The three time sailors could see that he looked week. The little boy collapsed at Cedric’s feet and he bent down to help him. He saw that the boys breathing was labored, his eyes were sunken into his face and he was extremely pale.
“Quick get me the first Aid.” He called to the other two. He then turned to the boy and continued to examine him. The others finally managed to find a first aid kit and helped Cedric examine him. He had found signs of being beaten. Slowly they saw that the boy’s breathing was becoming more labored and his heart beat was slowing down.
“Hes leaving us.” Cedric pointed out.
“Hang in there buddy.” He tried to encourage the boy.
“I want my mommy.” cried the little boy. He clung tighter to Cedric. Cedric started to sing a song to help mollify the little boy. The little boy was afraid to die, and Cedric knew this. He could feel his fear. He wanted to help him calm down enough to administer some medication. The child’s cries subsided.
“Thank you Mr...” Then he died. The little boy died in Cedric’s arms.
The tree time sailors were quiet for a minute. Cedric’s will was resolved. He didn’t see this as a portentous sing. He would not let this get him down.
Suddenly he heard drums and marching feet. Emmett and sam heard it too. They stood up to see what was going on. They saw men in uniforms marching in the streets of the city they were in. Every so often they would stop and beat a living person they saw. The time sailors could hear the screams of the torture people. The marching men came closer, Emmett, Cedric, and Sam quickly and quietly hid themselves in the ruins of a nearby building. The marching men were now in front of their hiding place. The three time sailors could hear that they were chanting something:
“All for Delmas, Delmas are superior, Delmas will rule the universe,”
This chant mixed with the uniforms they were wearing Cedric was sure they were from the planet Skora. Their jingoistic attitude reassured him they were from Skora. This will not be easy. They were dedicated to only one cause. Delmak expansion, and the ‘cleansing’ of the universe from leeser vermin. Unfortunately to them this meant anything that wasn't Delmak was vermin.
“We need to report this in.” Said Emmett. Apparently he had also understood this much to. They waited for the procession to pass then they went to their pod to try to contact their ship.

The author's comments:

I was assinged a vocabulary assingment one day. It was wright a storry. I wasn't planning on elaborating on it. I was listening to some Doctor Who Theme songs as usual. After submiting it to my teacher I worked on it some more and this came to be. It's not finished yet. I'm planning on hopefully making a book out of this but heres the begginging. 


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This article has 3 comments.

on Oct. 14 2014 at 11:57 am
The_DoctorDonna PLATINUM, Anytown, Iowa
44 articles 2 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm Possible'"

This is an excellent story, great so far, except there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes. Please keep writing I can't wait to read more!!!

on Oct. 13 2014 at 3:33 pm
I_Am_The_Doctor BRONZE, Alta, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whats the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Sorry for the gient space in the middle of it. I don't know how that happened. >.<

on Oct. 13 2014 at 3:17 pm
I_Am_The_Doctor BRONZE, Alta, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whats the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Feed back and comments are much appreciated. Pleas and Thank you.