The Magic Locker | Teen Ink

The Magic Locker

October 15, 2014
By SkylarFlume BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
SkylarFlume BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Only few students can open it, the magic locker. The outside of it shimmered and glowed, usually freaking kids out as they walked by, they dont understand the power it posses. Funny thing is only the outcasts, basketcases, and the children you spit on can unlock it. Cheerleaders struggled, jocks punched it with frustration, will attempt to knock the little door of its hinges. The roidheads scream oit of anger and stomp away, but a fellow burnout whispers secret words, ever so gently, and the locker flies presenting a beautifully made...taco.

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