The Affair | Teen Ink

The Affair

October 23, 2014
By Kristen Morse BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
Kristen Morse BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s 3:00am on a Friday night, I’m sitting by the warm fireplace, drinking a cup of steaming coffee. I’m patiently waiting for my husband Chris to come home, he’s been out with his coworkers at the bar for over five hours. I wonder what’s taking him so long... he knows he has work early in the morning? I’m very worried about him because he can get carried away when he drinks... I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid. Maybe I’m just overreacting about this whole thing, I am a worrywart after all. I hope he doesn't come home drunk. I wouldn't want him to disturb our kids peaceful sleeping. Suddenly I hear stumbling footsteps coming up the porch steps. Then the familiar sound of the key turning in the front doors lock.

"Too late", I mumbled under my breath.

I know it's my husband so I quickly set down my cup of coffee and swiftly stalked towards Chris. He was still having trouble standing so I wrapped one of my hands around his waist to support him and guided him toward the loveseat. Once I laid him down, he started mumbling nonsense so instead of trying to get an answer out of him of why he has come home so late, I simply grabbed the homemade knit blanket from the other couch and laid it on top of him.

    I leave the room and climb up the stairs to the second floor to check on my kids, first I check on Annabelle, our youngest at the age of five. I enter her room and thankfully she's still sound asleep, it's always hard to get her to go to sleep since she's still young and has a lot of energy at the end of the day. Next I check on Sarah, our oldest at the age of 16. I open her door and she's still asleep.This surprises me because she's always staying up so late. After I'm done checking on them I walk down the hall to the right, open my bedroom door, and walk inside. First I turn on my bedside lamp and close my open window that has been letting in a cold breeze. Even with the cup of coffee I've had, I'm barely able to keep my eyes open after staying up this late so I climb into bed, turn off my bedside lamp and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank god I don't have work in the morning because I'd be exhausted", I mumbled under my breath.



   I woke up to the sun streaming in through my bedroom window, which made me groan in protest. I wish I wouldn’t have stayed up so late last night waiting for Dad to come home. I don’t understand why he stayed out so late with his coworkers anyway. He sees them five days a week.

I almost got caught by Mom when she came in to check on me, but thankfully she checked on Annabelle first otherwise I wouldn’t have heard her close her door and open mine. I had just enough time to climb underneath my covers and act like I’ve been asleep the whole time. I get out of bed and get ready for the day.


   My blaring alarm woke me up from my peaceful slumber. I reached across my bedside table to try to shut it off, it didn't work.

"Stupid alarm.", I mumbled under my breath.

I tried again and it actually shut off this time. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well it's time to start my day.", I mumbled under my breath.

I stuffed my feet into my slippers that are at the side of my bed to keep my feet from feeling the cold hardwood floor of my bedroom. I stand up to stretch, then I started striding towards my conjoined closet that I share with my husband to grab my robe. As I'm reaching for it I notice out of the corner of my eye, my husband's clothes that he wore last night are on our closet floor.

"Lazy bum.", I muttered jokingly.

    As I picking up his clothes to take to the laundry room, his cell phone fell out of one of his pockets. I extended my arm outwards to pick up his phone when, the screen lit up saying he has received a new text message. It was from one of his coworkers. Amelia saying she had fun last night at her apartment, and that she can't wait until next weekend at the usual time. I scroll up and find more messages like that, and realize with dread that my supposedly faithful husband has been having an affair with Amelia for months. After my realization another message pops up, it's from Amelia and it says “I can't wait until you get the divorce papers so we can get married." By now I'm completely appalled and outraged thinking how he could do this to me, his loving wife of 24 years. Well if he wants a divorce I'll just make it easier for him and divorce him myself.


   I hear a knock on my bedroom door, I know it’s my mother so I say,

“Come in.”

From the look on my Mom’s face she seems upset so I ask,

“What’s wrong?”

“Your father has been having an affair with one of his coworkers so I’m going to get a divorce and were going to move out.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know, but were leaving today so you need to pack up everything so we can leave as soon as we can.”

“Why do we have to leave so soon? I won’t be able to say goodbye to any of my friends!”, I exclaimed in protest. I didn’t want to leave all my friends and move somewhere I know nothing about. Why do I have to suffer for my father’s mistakes?

“I know you don’t want to leave, but I’ve already made the decision and it’s final. Besides you can always stay in touch with your friends or you could always make new ones.”, Mom stated calmly.

“But this is the only place that I know. It’s where I grew up, where I made memories, and I can’t just leave all that behind.”, I sighed with frustration.

“You’ll always have those memories”, she replied in a caring tone.

“Mom is this really what you want to do?”, I questioned her.

“Yes”, she stated with finality.

“Ok”, I sighed with defeat. I knew in the end I wouldn’t win this fight, so I just gave up so I can try to move on with my life and adjust to the oncoming changes that are heading my way. My Mom left after that to start her packing, so I decided I’d start packing as well. It’s hard leaving, especially because I’ve been here longer than Annabelle, and had more chances to make memories. My Mom thinks this move is going to be for the better, but in reality it’s just going to make me suffer.

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