Zombie Invasion | Teen Ink

Zombie Invasion

October 31, 2014
By Emmnauel Galindo BRONZE, San Fernando, California
Emmnauel Galindo BRONZE, San Fernando, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a bright and sunny day. We were doing the usuall going to school and learning stuff. The same routine like always. Its was break we all went out side. Suddently we heard screams coming out the hall way. Some kid named henry stoped he looked panic and said “ run for your life were being attacked”. I was wondering what is he saying but then a weird looking person came up to me running and it looked like if wanted to bite me. I tried running but I new it was to late I was going to be eaten by a weird looking person. I was dumed.

Suddently I saw my friend running up to the weird person and started hitting him with a bat. He saved my life. We both ran to a class room near by. we locked ourselfs in the class rooms we put chairs tables everything we could find and put it to the door way so the weird looking people dont get in. My friend told me that those people were called zombies and that they haved attacked a lot of people around the world and schools to. He said “ were so lucky that we survived”. I was relieved because I had a friend that knew what was happening and he could help me get out of this mess.We tried to get every weapon or thing we could get to protect our selfs. we Go out the class slowly and tried going for the exits. All the doors were locked. We were trapped.

We went to all the exits none were open. Then a a zombie spotted us we were doomed.we ran and ran so that the zombies wont get us. We saw an open window. we decided to  launch our selfs to the windows. Right before someone jumped out the window someone yelled out that we were in the second floor and that if we jumped out the window we were not going to survive because it was to high. It was our only hope we climbed up the window and went down as careful as we could. All of us made it down with out a scrach. My friend hector was the last one to come down and the zombies were coming already for him. He had to be careful but the zombies scared him and he let go of the window. My first reaction was to go and try to catch him but the problem was that I was in a shock and I coulnt move at all. I didnt do nothing about it and when he landed he had broken his leg. We ran up to him and saw his broken leg. We picked him

of the floor and found the nearest car we could find since no one was using it and was abaded in

the streets. Luckily I knew how to hot wire a car. I hot wired it and we left. We didnt know were
we were going but we just had to get out of there. I said that we were going to my grandmashouse and we took off.

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