Time for R.O.B.O.T. | Teen Ink

Time for R.O.B.O.T.

November 4, 2014
By LordofAwesome BRONZE, Camas, Washington
LordofAwesome BRONZE, Camas, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Buildings were falling, superheroes were dying, and robots were eating people. The year is 2500. What is going on?!? It all started in 2014 when people couldn’t fly or shoot lasers out of their body parts.

Kal woke up wondering why there was a time machine in his room. He knew it was a time machine because it had clocks and calendars on it. “This is AWESOME!!” he said “Alright, when should I go first...Definitely the future!!” he pushed the “FUTURE” button and off he went.

There was a big flash of light and then he was in the future. It was amazing. There were flying cars, giant holographic billboards, and...

”HALT! Who are you?” said a hovering man in a green costume.

“I’m Kal” said...well duh, ”I’m from 2014 and I got here by time machine. Who are you?”

“I am Green Ion, defender of earth!” BOOOM!!!! A robot the size of a skyscraper just destroyed the empire state building.

“I AM R.O.B.O.T. AND I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!!” Green Ion swooped over and punched R.O.B.O.T. in the face but it didn’t even flinch.

“Go back in time to make sure this never happens!” Green Ion shouted down as he was disintegrated by a laser beam. Kal (as fast as he could) pushed the “PAST” button and was zapped back.

He landed 5 minutes after he left. “I must stop that giant robot from destroying the earth!” he thought, “but how?” All at once a light bulb lit up over his head. “Of course” he said “I’ll just go to right before he existed.”
So he did. When he got there he looked around and saw an einstein haired scientist with a ragged lab coat and a lumberjack beard working on an experiment.

“Hmm...yes Yes...no, oh wait...Eureka!” the scientist cried.

“Uh oh” thought Kal.

“I have single handedly created a perfect self sufficient A.I.! now I won’t be lonely!” said the lonely scientist.
“Uh sir” said Kal “in the future that thing is going to destroy the world.”

“Whaaaa!! Who are you? How did you get here? And what on earth are you talking about?”

“I’m Kal, time machine, and I saw in the future: that A.I. is going to turn into a giant robot named R.O.B.O.T.!”
“First of all...WHAT THE HECK?!? And second of all, I believe you” said the scientist

“Y-you do?” said Kal

“Of course I do. I’m a scientist who made an perfect A.I. and can see your time machine. So now I am going to destroy thi-” the scientist was cut short (literally) by a laser beam shot out by a metal box containing the A.I.
“R.O.B.O.T, huh. I like that name. I think I’ll keep it. And as for you…” R.O.B.O.T’s box grew spider-like legs and jumped off the table, running toward Kal. By instinct, Kal put up his leg and stomped on the box. It smashed into lots of little pieces.

“I-I did it. I saved the world!” Kal did a little dance. After that he put a blanket over the scientist and called 911 using his phone.

Before he went home he checked on the future all the superheroes were fine and everything was right with the world. When he went back he realized how the time machine had got there. He sent it there after his whole adventure, and that is why time travel is confusing.

The author's comments:

This "piece" is about time travel, robots, and superheroes.

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