Darkness Rising | Teen Ink

Darkness Rising

November 6, 2014
By Besmey BRONZE, San Jose, California
Besmey BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jason darted nimbly through the trees behind a creature better to be unknown. He heard a scream behind him and ran even faster it seemed that Emily had succumbed to the darkness. He began hearing voices in his head ones that always led him to darkness encouraging him to embrace his inner evil. Nerve racking headaches shook his brain as his legs refused to obey him. He collapsed in a heap on the ground unable to move. With his last amount of energy he expelled all his magic in a last ditch attempt . He began convulsing and quietly passed into the darkness. Nearby a cold cackling shook the air...
     Thomas burst out the door happy to be released from the loneliness of the house. He went to await the arrival of his brother Jason who was to arrive shortly after his search for Kiler the mountain Giant.Of course his friend emily had tagged along. Thomas is a tall gangly boy going through puberty who didn’t pride himself on his face full of pimples.Thomas began walking toward the woods were strange voices seemed to be emanating from. A while later Thomas began to hear voices in his head leading him into the woods. He followed the voice only by his own desire. He flipped open his pocket knife and held it in front of him. That was when he heard the screams.
    An earsplitting scream pierced through the night shattering his eardrums. Clutching his ears in pain he fell to his knees. Those screams sounded familiar. He stumbled up and sprinted  through the forest toward his house. He began to question his judgment as he noticed his skin turned gray. Headaches wracked through his mind as he raced to the house. He felt like he was turning evil. He was stopped  and turned to face the unknown opponent. Behind him was a lady with sunken eyes and dark robes floating behind her. She radiated fear and evil. Beside her stood Jason. His skin was gray and eyes red. He looked bigger and his hair and become pitch black. Tendrils of darkness spun around him. He was the first victim of the darkness.
           Thomas began screaming as his mind and own thoughts were wrenched from himself. Tendrils of darkness swirled towards him as The shadow lady advanced . He held out his knife and stabbed as hard as he could. Darkness exploded everywhere and Thomas and Jason both saw the light and struggling to reach it.

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