Auslander's Secrete | Teen Ink

Auslander's Secrete

November 17, 2014
By A-juice BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
A-juice BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Auslander’s Secrete
What do you do when you’re told everything you know or remember is a lie? Even worse what do you do when you’re the one deciding whether to let someone continue to live in a fantasy world or wake up and see the frightening truth? My name is Alexander, at least for the moment it is…
April 13, 2014
8:00 a.m.
Today is the big day. My nephew is turning 17 years old. Where I’m from, that is a very important age. I started my journey to visit him 2 days ago. Spring is the only time of the year I get to see him, this weather suits my body well. Every time I visit him the trip always amazes me. The things I see confound me, it’s crazy how earth is filled with small powerless humans that have created so much.
5:28 p.m.
As I approach the house I notice the birthday celebration is already beginning. Eager to find my nephew I start going faster in this poor excuse of transportation. This Pagani Huayra is nothing compared to what I have back at home. As soon as I close the doors I walk out to see Catherine standing in front of the door with her face covered in horror. She knew I was coming, she knew I was going to tell Alex the big secrete. We agreed today would be the day the secret would be exposed since the day Alex was taken away.
6:30 p.m.
               I saw him. I finally saw Alex after a year since my last trip. He looks happy, he has so many “friends” as his mother has been saying for the past hour. She keep insisting that I stay quiet. She thinks I will ruin his life if I tell him but what does she know, it would only be selfish of me to hide a whole different world from him. More is always better, and more is what he could have if I tell him. I’m going to look for him, it’s time.
7:43 p.m.
               Alex has been surrounded by his guest and I haven’t had a moment to talk to him. Every time I start walking towards him someone steals the birthday boy for a picture or a conversation that feels like an eternity. I need to hurry up, Catherine is still insisting that I don’t tell him, and I am losing my patients around her. I know Alex has noticed the tension build up between Catherine and I. Finally, he’s walking towards me.
8:15 p.m.
               As expected he asked me what was going on, at that moment Catherine began to sob begging me to stop and reconsider, when my mouth was about to open i froze. A rush of thoughts ran through my head. What if he doesn’t accept me? What if he doesn’t remember? What if he can't take it? Is he ready for the responsibility i'm putting upon him? Should i tell him? I have to they’re waiting for him.
8:20 p.m.
       I froze it, I  froze the party, It’s out the secret is out. His face looks confused he looks frightened, hes scared… scared of me.
9:52 p.m.
       I told him everything. He knows I’m not his uncle, I'm his father Auslander. His real name is Amero and his mother, Catherine is actually Calypso. We are what humans call extraterrestrial. I only get to visit him around this time because spring has adequate weather for my skin since I am a pure Sendior. Sendiotistern is our homeland in a different dimension of the universe. Calypso and Amero are part human so their bodies adapted to this Earthly environment. 13 years ago Calypso took Amero away and escaped from Sendiotistern when my younger brother decided to lead an army to rebel against my kingdom. He couldn't accept my father’s decision of having me take control of our planet. For the safety of Amero and Calypso I let them go, knowing they could transform their bodies to be humanly. It would be a lot harder for my brother to find them that way, especially since he is pure Sendior too. Amero was far too young to remember or understand anything so for the time being we agreed to erase those memories from his head but now I must take him home. He must return to Sendiotistern to take his duties as a Sendior. The war ended when he was 10 but Calypso asked for a few more years to let him know, just until he was mature, she kept putting it off but now there's no time to loose.
11:30 p.m.
I told Amero he had to decide by 12:00 p.m. whether he'd stay or leave with me. He knows his decision is final, if he chooses not to leave he will lose all Sendior memories, powers, and he will give up being prince forever. Age 17 is when a prince must begin training for battle to be able to take care of his kingdom and we Sendiors take our rules very seriously. Amero will no longer be accepted if he is not back tomorrow and he will be dishonored.  I don't know whether to expect him to go or not. He's whole life has been made here, he's a strong kid but I see it in his eyes, he's afraid. I'm sitting outside on the porch and I can hear him arguing with Calypso.
April 14, 2014
12:00 p.m.
I can’t say going away without part of my family makes this whole trip a successes. I really thought they were both ready to go home. I should have guessed there was something else involved or someone else. Calypso finally confessed the reason for which she did not want the secret out. She had a lover named Derek. He is a wealthy and powerful man back in earth and she wanted it all, the money, the power, love, and my son. Life isn’t fair, I lost what I thought was my faithful queen and she lost her son. It feels great having my son by my side once again. Tomorrow he shall receive a proper welcome from my kingdom and he will become Prince Amero.

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