The Beginning of the end | Teen Ink

The Beginning of the end

January 25, 2015
By Anonymous

It all started with a massive explosion. This explosion wasn’t a normal explosion, this explosion originated in san francisco and was a chemical explosion that released fumes into the air for a 5 mile radius effecting all living things except plants. The first month nothing happened, unless the cdc and national guard are nothing. A mass panic started saying they were developing a chemical weapon in the complex that creates an incurable disease  of mass destruction. Of course those were all rumors. Or were they?
After 3 months the first symptoms started. It started with a mild coughing, then you would get a fever, this would be followed by insomnia, then insanity and death. One week after death your corpse will reanimate itself and you will devour innocent people or bite them and let  them escape to turn, Then wreak havoc.

“ He’s bit man we gotta kill him you know the rules” Argues a stranger whose voice I recognize but can't identify. My head is throbbing and i feel minor nausea. “ know but maybe he’s immune, there is always an odd chance of that remember tom?” His voice sounds familiar but I can't pin it. I have an itchy feeling on my head but i can't scratch it realizing i’m tied up. “ At  least they took precautions” I think. “ Listen AL I  know he’s your son but we can't make exceptions just because he is our best scavenger. “ ok at least let me ask him if he would want to be put down or not.” Al walks over to me as i slowly come back to consciousness. “ Ethan wake up.”.” son you've been bit and you have a choice you die here right  now or you go out there on your own and try to survive on your own till you turn and if you don’t turn within a month you can come back “. I’ll go If there is a slim chance I’m immune I will take it.” I explain. My father looks relieved because he doesn’t have to see me die. I am  released out of the back of our small camp. We found a Costco a few years back with enough food and later on we gained access to the underground storage. The perishables are long since gone since our last thanksgiving 3 months ago. Once outside I was  given a pack with the basics to survive. I heard the distant roar of a tank. This was followed by the crashing of a car being thrown. Tanks are the thugs of the zombie virus there is a one in twenty chance when infected you will become a tank it is one of the zombie types we call variants the most effective way to kill a tank is with fire or explosives. The other variants can be killed with a bullet to the brain. There is a 5 of 20 chance a you’ll be a variant and 15 of 20 chance you’ll be a normal zombie. How do i know this? Last Year we retrieved notes of the outbreak from a broken down Humvee along with 3 glocks 1 m1A41 and flash bangs. The flash bangs are good for distracting any type of infected. As I walk away from my home I realize this is just the beginning.

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