Volcanic Panic | Teen Ink

Volcanic Panic

February 23, 2015
By adam6543 BRONZE, Watertown, Connecticut
adam6543 BRONZE, Watertown, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes it’s a great idea to get outside and live life to the fullest.. But that weekend we should have NEVER left home. We were young, we were stupid, we were freezing, and we were scared. For we had heard on the outskirts of town there was a massive cave, where a great, terrible treasure was; it was rumored to be very powerful and very dangerous. We were warned, for the only people who have gone in search of the treasure… Never returned.

“what do you think it is?” asked Jeren,
“I don’t know” ty said bluntly,
“but what I do know is that what ever it is, we’re getting our hands on it”
“ARE YOU CRAZY, TY” jeren expounded, “you know what people have said about that place.. It’s FOR-BID-EN, FORBIDEN!”
“I know what I’ve heard, and no I’m not crazy, do you have any idea how wealthy we would be if we got our hands on it? The power, the service, the food! And did I not mention.. The ladies” Ty said sensually.. then seriously  “we leave for the cave tonight. So get your sleep in” They both drifted off with no further questions
Jeren woke suddenly to Ty shaking him. “it’s time” packing their bags jeren asked “are you sure this is such a good idea?? I mean we could get seriously hurt.. or even worse. We could be taken prisoner and never be seen again.” Ty looked at jeren, his eyes seemed to be filled with the fire that was before them. “that’s a risk I’m willing to take”

They arrived at the entrance of the cave. It appeared to be a 30-40 foot drop. Ty opened up his backpack and secured the climbing rope to a boulder and began their decent “I’ll go first” Ty said bravely. He slowly started down the face of the cliff,  Jeren followed shortly after. Awkwardly lowering themselves down the face of the cliff, Jerran stopped suddenly. A horrible, high pitched shreaking noise came from off in the distance.. The echoes bounced off the walls of the cave, like a tennis ball off a brick wall. For a few seconds after the echoes stopped, it was quiet. Quite eerie, really.. Just as we thought the coast was clear. We heard a violent shaking coming from deep within the cave. “THE CEILING IS COLAPSING!” Ty Screamed. Avoiding falling rocks, the boys decended the cliff, with urcency. Reaching the bottom, the boys ran for cover, hiding under an overhang until the Aftershock subsided. “what the hell was that noise?” Jeren said mortified. “I’m not sure, but I don’t wanna stick around to find out”. After the dust settled, the boys looked at their surroundings. Trying to find their bearings.. They both notice the opening at the far wall. Running, they couldn’t contain their excitement. “what’s that smell” Jeren asked suspsiciously.. “… Did you fart?” “NO that wasn’t me.. I thought it was you” ty said. Well. It was neither of them.. it was sulphur.. they both died a horrible painful, agonizing death.

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