Ray's Problem | Teen Ink

Ray's Problem

March 4, 2015
By Nathan Webber BRONZE, Land O Lakes, Florida
Nathan Webber BRONZE, Land O Lakes, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was an evil munchkin named Ray.  He hated banana peels.  The Island, the island that he lived on was ruled by the banana peel gods.  All of the evil deeds Ray committed angered the banana peel gods.  Ray had a flying pet giraffe turtle named Bob.  Ray loved to ride Bob and drop bricks on people's heads.  This angered the banana peel gods.  Every time Ray did this the banana peel gods would throw banana peels at Ray.  One day, Ray came up with a plan.  He made this new invention called the vacuum.  He planned to suck up the the banana peel gods and end their rule.  He climbed onto Bob and flew to Banana Peel Island.  He turned on the vacuum and sucked the banana peel gods up but then the vacuum malfunctioned amd hit Ray on the head.  When he woke up, he realized he loved banana peels.  He let the banana peel gods go and became one himself.

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