The Tale of Tabetha | Teen Ink

The Tale of Tabetha

March 5, 2015
By ccalhoun9428 BRONZE, Mount Holly, North Carolina
ccalhoun9428 BRONZE, Mount Holly, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a girl.  She wasn’t just any girl though; she was a princess, Princess of Afwa.  Her name was Tabetha, and she was just like any other princess.  She smiled and waved and was nice to everyone like a princess should be.  Obeying every order, Tabetha never had a chance to be herself.  She was surrounded by a shell that looked remarkably like her but was not. 
Tabetha’s parents built this accommodating shell around her, so that the royal subjects would be pleased at all times.  Tabetha wanted more than anything to express how she really felt and to be who she really was.  Then one day the King and Queen of Galaxia visited Afwa for a royal meeting and they brought their daughter, Galaxy, with them. Galaxy was about the same age as Tabetha so they got along really well.  The meeting was about to begin so Tabetha’s dad, the King of Afwa, decided that Tabetha and Galaxy should go play since they weren’t old enough to discuss these royal matters. 
Now Galaxy was unlike any other princess.She was a free spirit who roamed through the kingdom not caring what others thought of her.  She showed her ankles at the bottom of her dresses, her hair wasn’t always perfectly in place, and she definitely wasn’t a “perfect” princess like Tabetha was.  Tabetha wanted to be like Galaxy. She was jealous of Galaxy’s open minded thoughts, and she was jealous that Galaxy could be herself without being judged.  So then Tabetha had an idea.  She asked Galaxy what her secret was to being herself.  Galaxy said, “Tabetha, there is no secret!  I love myself for who I am and you should too! Who cares if you’re not the “typical princess”.  “But Galaxy, my parents care.” replied Tabetha.  “Your parents will love you for who you are.  You just have to try to be yourself. I promise everyone will love you.  I’ll be happy to help to you.” “Thank you so much Galaxy!” replied Tabetha. “You’re so welcome.” said Galaxy.  So then the girls worked and practiced together everyday for a really long time and eventually Tabetha broke out of her shell!  She started loving herself and the person she was becoming more and more everyday.  Let this be a lesson to you.  God made everyone different.  Nobody is perfect.  So love yourself more and more everyday and you will be happier than you have ever been.  

The author's comments:

This article rlates to me becaus sometimes i dont love myself as much as I should. 

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