Life as a Dog | Teen Ink

Life as a Dog

March 10, 2015
By SwagLord123 BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
SwagLord123 BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life as a Dog
Dear, Dogs
Life as a dog is great at the house, but it is when my masters leave is when it is even better. Little do my masters know that when they leave I know how to unlock the lock to my kennel. When my masters leave I use my special tool  I immediately run to the door to wait to hear them leave, and then I swiftly out run doggy door, I know where they keep the key, then I get on a chair that is near the door and then I unlock the door and have fun outside. Of course the neighbors think my masters are home, so they don’t bother doing anything. On the topic of neighbors, they recently got a new dog named Huxley. He is always breaking the fence and sneaking into my backyard, and stealing my stuff. So now I have a routine to go to his yard, and take my toys back and some of his for payback.  After I have my daily exercise I run in and jump onto the counter, I have my ways, and get to my treats. To think they thought Dad feeds me my treats.
My masters call me by the name of Maisy, I spend most of my days eating treats and playing soccer. I know every nook and cranny of my house, so don’t expect to mess with my toys. Since I turned two I have figured out how to successfully escape my kennel, never being caught I may add, and have been  living in a dogs paradise.The hardest part about getting to have a fun day is getting back inside my kennel. I must make it look like I never left, so I must grab a stick from outside, the night before and put it under the mat, in my kennel. Then when it is time I take it out from under the mat to use the latch. When I am back inside my kennel, I put a stupid look on my face, like humans think we have and they are fooled every time.
I hate the summers even though my big brother Alec treats me well I still don’t get the attention I feel I deserve. He mainly plays video games and watches this thing called “I Tube” or something like that. But recently he has started playing this game called lacrosse and no he can throw a ball out of the stick to practice. Which means I get to bring the ball back to him, so I get to play fetch all the time. But nothing tops when my mom gets home. Because when she is reading I get pet for hours. But sadly every day always comes to an end, I tend to jump around from one room to another just so none of my masters feel I don’t like them. I hope this helped all of the dogs reading have a more successful day in the life of a dog.

Sincerely, Maisy

The author's comments:

Its cool.

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