My Creation | Teen Ink

My Creation

March 27, 2015
By Anonymous

As I looked outside I could only think of what I had unleashed onto this world. I thought of my creation, so young, only a baby. It could have been great, it could have done so much. But alas, there is no such thing as a robot that can act like the perfect human.
It all started one day, about a month ago when I was thinking how nobody wanted to be my friend. I already knew it wasn’t because I was a bad kid, I realized that long ago. It was because nobody else was perfect like me. What if, what if, I could create the perfect human(robot) that would be MY friend and keep me away from the loneliness that haunts people and drives them to dark, dark thoughts. I used to have dark thoughts, until I realized it wasn’t me, it WASN’T me.
I decided to model my robot after all the things that made me a great and unique person. Looking back, I can honestly say maybe that was why it didn’t work out. I wanted to give it qualities I enjoyed in me. I gave it a handsome face, knowledge, and most importantly, the hunger for more knowledge. How foolish could I have been!? As it can probably be guessed, my robot was happy, it learned from me, but when I didn’t have the answers, things went.. downhill. I would try to pacify it, after all it was only a baby. It could not be calmed though. When it realized I did not have all the answers, it left, just broke out of my garage. I didn’t think much of it, I thought it would just be in the woods, probably killed by some animal. I did not, for a second, think of the alternative. I went out to do my daily errands when I saw my neighbor crying. I didn’t know what to do as I am not on the best terms with my neighbors, or anyone for that matter. I asked what’s wrong, where’s your son, Jimmy? (I do not know how I knew his name.) My neighbor responded in-between tears with a simple he-was-taken. I did not need to listen much more to know the “who” who took little Jimmy was “it”. I was very young and I did not know what to do, so I sat, and thought, and wondered for a solution to the monstrosity I had unleashed onto the world.

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